Erdőbénye Erdőbenye, Erdőbenye

Erdőbénye is a picturesque, tinly village in Tokaj wine region, home of several wineries, which help each other in many ways, for example each of them recommends the others (with useful pieces of information, like how far the next winery is on foot or by car).


Tornai Estate, Somlójenő Somlójenő, Somlójenő

The indigenous grape variety, Juhfark of the volcanic Somló wine region is best displayed at this annual grand tasting. All the producers present their Juhfark wines personally, workshops are also conducted and of course it is worth staying longer to visit the wineries. For more information write to marketing@tornaipince.hu.

Somló tasting by Borjour

Stefánia Palace Stefánia út 34-36, Budapest

A walk around tasting of the volcanic Somló region. 'Cool' wines with minerality from about 20 wineries including Tornai Winery, the estate that has won 3 International Wine Challenge trophies! The smallest Hungarian wine region is most famous for its indigenous Juhfark grape, but Olaszrizling, Furmint or Hárslevelű grapes are also important.

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