Hungarianwines Gettogether 2020
The garden party of Hungarian wine people, an event to celebrate the greatness of Hungarian wines. Networking, music, poetry, artisan food products and guests you are happy to meet. Only by invitation and only 300 people are invited. If you want to join us and walk ``barefoot in the vineyard”, let us know!
A helyszín / The Location
A 2020. augusztus 16-i 3. Hungarian Gettogether helyszíne az éppen 20. születésnapját ünneplő, mesés panorámájú, tágas és hangulatos Patricius Borház,a Tokaji borvidék egyi legszebb pincészete. Budapestről buszos transzfert biztosítunk, illetve ajánlunk szálláslehetőségeket, amelyekre a rendezvény után taxival percek alatt eljuthatnak vendégeink.
The 3nd Hungarian Gettogether on 16 August 2020 will take place at Patricius Winery, which happens to celebrate its 20th birthday this year. The estate is one of the jewels of Tokaj wine region with spacious halls and a huge terrace with fabulous view. Bus transfer from and to Budapest is provided for our guests, and accommodations are also recommended below, to which our guests can get after the event by taxi, within a few minutes.
A Rendezvény / The Event
Mit tesz különlegessé egy rendezvényt? A helyszín, a kóstolandó borok, a zene, de mindenek felett a résztvevők. A Hungarianwines Gettogether nagyszerű magyar borokról szól 15 kiállító pincészettel, korlátlan kóstolással és sok minden mással. Egy nap kapcsolatépítésre, tanulásra és arra, hogy pompás környezetben remekül érezzük magunkat 300 vendégünkkel. Minden meghívott továbbadhat egy meghívót, így ha Te még nem kaptál meghívót, az egyik meghívottól esetleg kaphatsz.
What makes an event special? The venue, the wines to be tasted, the music, but above all: the participants. Hungarianwines Gettogether is about great Hungarian wines with 15 wineries, unlimited tasting and much more. A day for networking, learning and having fun in stylish environment only for 300 invited guests. Each invited guest can invite someone else, so if you are not invited, you can still hope to get an invitation card from one of the invited guests.
A Program / The Programme
14.00–17.00 More or less silent, professional tasting of the exhibited wines /
A kiállítók borainak viszonylag csendes, elmélyült kóstolása
17.00–21.00 Relaxed wine tasting of the exhibited wines with some background music. /
A kiállítók borainak lazább, kötetlenebb kóstolása némi háttérzenével
17.30 A little bit of poetry – community poem writing with the help of contemporary poets – under the influence of wine… / Egy kis költészet – közösségi versírás kortárs költőkkel – bor hatása alatt
18.00 3rd Hungarian WebWineWriting Award ceremony /
A 3. Hungarian WebWineWriting díjátadó ünnepsége
21.00–24.00 Afterparty with some music and Patricius wines (wines are to be purchased after 9 pm) /
Afterparty zenével és Patricius-borokkal (este 9 után a borokat térítés ellenében lehet fogyasztani)
Szállások Tokajban / Accommodations in Tokaj
Busztranszfert Budapestről biztosítunk, de érdemes maradni pár napot, vagy legalább egy éjszakát a gyönyörű Tokaji borvidéken. Íme néhány szállástipp. We provide bus transfer from and to Budapest, but it is also a good idea to stay in Tokaj wine region for a few days or at least for the night. Some recommended places to stay.
This guest house (literally translated ‘Little Village’) is located on the bank of the river Bodrog, in fabulous surroundings. Apartmans are available with 2 or 4 beds, a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom and toilet is provided with each room. Television, towel, bed linen, parking, wifi is included in the price. The guest house has a sauna as well.
8 minutes by car, 15 minutes on foot from Patricius winery.
This guest house has a unique advantage: it belongs to Tokaj Nobilis, one of the best artisan wineries of the region. The guest house has two buildings, one for 6, and the other is for 10 people, thus it is ideal for families or friends. The rooms are beautiful and spacious, kitchen and dining room is also provided. The owners prefer guests for longer stay – and it is worth staying longer.
12 minutes by car from Patricius winery.
The R40 guest house is located in the centre of Mád, which is continuously developing and is one of the most historic settlements of the historic Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region and World Heritage Site. A total renovation of the more than 200 year old building was completed in 2016 to create a friendly guest house with traditional ambiance and modern comforts and to make it ideal for families, couples, friends and small business gatherings alike.
12 minutes by car from Patricius winery.
This classic style guest house was built of stone in 1830 in a village situated in the picturesque Tokaj Hegyalja wine region, which is part of UNESCO World Heritage. The village itself – Mád – is the most dynamic place around the area. The quondam vinedresser house has been family owned since 1940 – and was previously a residential home but had been a winery in operation until recently, too. From 2013 to 2015 a complete recovery was executed and the house was largely restored. Both action was taken on the basis of the old original blueprints.
13 minutes by car from Patricius winery.
Préselő guest house also belongs to a winery, and as their slogan says: Not only wine is offered at our place. Indeed, the 150 year old house keeps the traditional style, but is is equipped with all the modern facilities. Préselő is situated in the lovely village of Erdőbénye, also worth visiting.
13 minutes by car from Patricius Winery
Babits is also a winery worth visiting, plus it has beautifully furnished, lovely rooms with everything a guest might need. The rooms are also provided with a terrace or balcony. The location is ideal: several place of interest in Tokaj wine region is within easy reach.
4 minutes by car, 28 minutes on foot from Patricius winery.
Guest exhibitors / Vendégkiállítók
Capital of Cava / Vino Castillo
The Spanish sparkling wine “cava” is made exactly like champagne, and long aged cavas are also available in the best quality. Corpinnat is a new brand from Penedés wine region with strict rules. At Capital of Cava booth visitors can taste superb quality cavas and corpinnat wines powered by Vino Castillo, the wine store with the largest selection of cavas and Spanish wines in Hungary.
A spanyolok pezsgője, azaz a cava úgy készül, mint a champagne, vagyis palackos erjesztésű. A corpinnat ugyancsak palackos erjesztésű spanyol pezsgő, de szigorúbb szabályok szerint készül és a legjobb termőhelyről származik. A Vino Castillo a legnagyobb kínálattal rendelkező spanyol borkereskedés, míg a Capital of Cava egy utazásszervező vállalkozás, amely a cava és corpinnat fővárosába szervez borutakat. A Capital of Cava / Vino Castillo kiállító asztalánál mesés, jéghideg cavákat és corpinnatokat kóstolhatnak a vendégek.
Wine Mosaic
Wine Mosaic is a non-for-profit organization that promotes and defends the use of local grape varieties in many parts of the wine world. Founded in 2013 by 3 French wine people, it aims at creating a global network of winemakers, influencers and wine drinkers that want to change their way of consumption. Did You know that 3/4 of the global wine volume is made of only 30 grape varieties, while more than a thousand of them exist ? Proud of its partnership with, We will give you the opportunity to try some of our hidden treasures and rarieties from France and Italy!
A Wine Mosaic egy non-profit szervezet, amelynek célja a helyi szőlőfajták védelme és azok használatának népszerűsítése szerte a borvilágban. Három francia szakember alapította 2013-ban azzal a céllal, hogy egy működő kapcsolati hálót hozzanak létre a borászok, influencerek és borkedvelők között –, hogy közösen változtassanak a borfogyasztási szokásokon. Tutad, hogy a világ szőlőtermésének 3/4-ét 30 szőlőfajta teszi ki, miközben több mint 1000 létezik? Hálásak vagyunk a a partnerségért és örömmel kóstoltatunk néhány rejtett kincset és ritkaságot Franciaországból és Olaszországból.
Food selling exhibitors / Ételt árusító kiállítóink
Kisfalucska Guest House
“Eszem, iszom, alszom – I eat, drink and sleep” is the slogan of Kisfalucska Guest House, which is situated in the village of Bodrogkisfalud. At Hungarian Gettogether they will offer different plates made of local ingredients: cheese platter, ‘pantry plate’ (cured local mangalitza ham, sausage with truffle, marinated local cheeses, baked pepper, fresh bread), casserole of mangalitza pork tenderloin with vegetables and Furmint wine) and summer ratatouille with grilled mangalitza sausage and fresh bread. Dessert will also be available.
“Eszem, iszom, alszom” – hangzik a bodrogkisfaludy Kisfalucska Udvarház szlogenje. A Hungarian Gettogetheren különféle helyi finomságokat árusítanak majd, Lesz Kisfalucska kamraízelítő (harangod-völgyi mangalica érlelt sonka, csemege és szarvasgombás mangalica kolbász, marinált és hegyvidéki zempléni sajtok, fonnyasztott kápia paprika, roppanós kornichon, friss cipófalatok), Kisfaludi furmintos mangalica-egytál (tartalmas egytálétel sertésszűzzel, zöldségekkel, friss zöldfűszerek és tokaji furmint társaságában) és nyári lecsó grillezett mangalica-kolbásszal, kovászos kenyérrel. Vegetáriánusoknak lesz sajttál, illetve a lecsós étel hús nélkül is kérhető és desszertet is kínálnak majd.
Bolka Bonbon
In our tiny workshop we create unique, exclusive bonbons, chocolate and macarons, all from the best quality ingredients with the greatest care and attention. Creation is our passion and we develop our range of products obsessively. No wonder: every piece of our sweets is a „bite of heaven”.
Pici desszertműhelyünkben a legkiválóbb minőségű alapanyagok felhasználásával és legnagyobb odafigyeléssel különleges, egyedi bonbonokat, csokoládékat, macaronokat készítünk. Szenvedélyünk az alkotás, megszállottan fejlesztjük termékpalettánkat, melynek minden egyes darabja egy falatnyi mennyország.
Participating wineries / A résztvevő pincészetek
The Guests / A vendégek
(Guests who confirmed or almost confirmed / Biztos vagy majdnem biztos vendégek)
Davide Bortone, wine writer, editor in chief, Winemag, Italy
Paul Demeulenaere, manager, Wine Mosaic, France
Ewa Hangel, wine and food merchant, Kociolek i Wino owner, Poland
Sergio Marzullo, wine and food merchant, Kociolek i Wino owner, Poland
Marco Barbieri + guest, wine blogger, Italy
Beáta Kozákné Kárász + guest, wine quiz winner, Hungary
Dr. Mónika Gyenes, wine merchant, Best of Hungary owner, UK
Éva Haiman, journalist, Hungary
Gábor Herczeg, Happy Hungarian Wine owner, Hungary
Csaba Sebestyén + guest, restaurant manager, Hungary
Gabriella Kemény, poet and influencer, Hungary
Zsolt Ferenczi + guest, wine merchant and tour organizer, Wineart owner, Slovakia
László Bánfalvi, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Tünde Pándi, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Edit Sinkó, journalist, Hungary
Csaba Maróthy, wine writer, Hungary
Krisztián Száraz + guest, SEO expert, wine writer( Hungary
Laurent Roux, wine connoisseur, France
Andrea Pető Dickinson, wine connoisseur, UK / Hungary
János Miskolci, bartender, Hotel Avalon, Hungary
Gergely Vanczág, sommelier, Hotel Avalon, Hungary
Ildikó Bauer, wine connoisseur, Slovakia
Gábor Bauer, wine connoisseur, Slovakia
Edit Szabó, wine writer, editor in chief, Borsmenta, Hungary
László Upor, director, Hungary
Dr. Ágnes Veszelszki + guest, university docens, leader of department, Corvinus, Hungary
Dr. József Kosárka, founder of Circle of Hungarian Winewriters, Hungary
Tamás Várhelyi + guest, wine tourism, Hungary
Norbert Izsák + guest, coach and wine writer, Hungary
Noémi Szuna, journalist, Hungary
Csilla Jánosi + guest, Wine a More owner, Hungary
Hajnalka Szabó + guest, wine blogger, Borkaller, Hungary
László Nyíri + guest, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Attila Kővári, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Attila Bognár, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Tímea Gellért, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Pál Jacsó, wine connoisseur and poet, Hungary
Béla Doszpod + guest, producer, Hungary
Dr. Mihály Konkoly + guest, wine writer, Hungary
Sebastian Giraldo + guest, wine writer, Hungary
Dr. Judit Fehér, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Szabolcs Ilyés, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Sándor Silye + guest, wine writer, Dekantáló blog owner, Hungary
Annamária Riedl, journalist, Hungary
Tamás Borbély, winemaker, Borbély Family Winery, Hungary
Virág Török + guest, Sauska, Hungary
Gábor Antal, wine expert, Borkultúra, Hungary
Erzsébet Farkas, export director, Grand Tokaj, Hungary
Sándor Kalán + guest, marketing manager, Grand Tokaj, Hungary
István Viniczai, producer, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Gábor Németh, wine connoisseur and collector, Hungary
Bernadett Krajnák, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Natália Szmodics + guest, marketing manager, Naturaqua, Hungary
Kata Háfra + guest, Bolka Bonbon owner, Hungary
Sándor Kis, chef, Miele, Hungary
Gergely Horváth-Töreki, actor, Hungary
Árpád Tomcsányi, photographer, Hungary
Zsuzsanna Gyimesi + guest, journalist, HVG, Hungary
Erika Németh, tasting coordinator, vinCE Magazine, Hungary
Zsolt Szeredi, wine merchant, Vino Castillo owner, Hungary
Tamás Jakab + guest, wine writer, Pécsi Borozó, Hungary
Nikoletta Magyar + guest, wine writer, Borfokoló, Hungary
Bernadette Lautner, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Tamás Antal Tóth, journalist, wine and cheese expert, Hungary
Krisztina Tóth-Kolár, manager, Kriszta Café, Hungary
Melinda Miskey, blogger, Gastrotherapy, Hungary
Adrienn Malina, blogger, Tokajgastro, Hungary
Péter Török + 3 guests, landmark architect, Hungary
Krisztina Palágyi, wine expert, Hungary
Martin Bukovics, editor-in-chief,, Hungary
Rebeka Bánszegi, photographer, Hungary
János Lakatos, photographer / cameraman, Hungary
Dr. Réka Fazekas, dentist, Hungary
Tamás Dobos, graphic & web designer, owner of, Hungary
Ágnes Németh, wine writer, editor in chief of, Hungary
Anna Horváth, translator, Hungary
Gergely Somogyi + guest, wine writer, Tokaj Today owner, Hungary
Endre Paranai + guest, owner–manager, Ficzak wine bar, Hungary
Réka Sallai + guest, owner–manager, Ficzak wine bar, Hungary
Bertalan Sztanev + guest, wine writer and Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
Dr. Ádám Horváth + guest, owner, Úrágya Guest House, Hungary
Hanna Szegő + guest, journalist, Hungary
János Kardos-Horváth + guest, song writer, singer, musician, Hungary
Emma Bozsó, manager, St. Andrea Sky Bar, Hungary
Tímea Kókai Nagy, marketing expert, CineFest, Fonó Budai Zeneház, Hungary
Gábriel Nyulasi + guest, wine writer, Ihatóbb Magyarországért, Hungary
Pál Kovács + guest, wine writer, Debreceni Borozó, event organizer, Hungary
Lajos Fazekas + 3 guests, CEO, Hotel Lyceum and Hotel Aquaticum, Hungary
Ildikó Kántor, bartender, Hotel Avalon, Hungary
Gyula Keszthelyi + guest, owner, Gasztro Élményműhely, Hungary
Éva Mikó, commercial manager, Csányi Winery, Hungary
Helga Gál, wine expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary
Eszter Götz + guest, wine writer, VinCE Magazin, Hungary
Zsuzsa Toronyi, owner, Wines of Hungary UK, Hungary / United Kingdom
Peder Lehmann Larsen, wine writer, Denmark
Julia Scavo, sommelier champion, La Réserve de Beaulieu, France / Romania
Bruno Scavo, sommelier champion, France
Katalin Nork + guest, wine expert, Vino Castillo / Borigo, Hungary
Ági Erdős, wine blogger, owner,, Hungary /United Kingdom
Evelin Somody, journalist TrendFM radio, Hungary
Dóra Polyák + guest, Bortársaság (wine merchant), Hungary
Sue Tolson, wine writer, WineSofa, managing director / Bor2BWine, Hungary / UK
Tamás Kőrös, The Institute of Art Curtural Exchange Japan Hungary Wine, Hungary
Hideko Papp, director, The Institute of Art Curtural Exchange Japan Hungary Wine, Japan / Hungary
Zoltán Szabó, winemaker, Szabó Zoltán Winery, Pécs, Hungary
Zoltán Horváth, winemaker, Planina Wine House, Pécs, Hungary
Barbara Orbán, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Szabolcs Szőke, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Imre Nagy, Móricz Kert (Móricz Garden), Hungary
Gábor Somlai, Móricz Kert (Móricz Garden), Hungary
Sylvia Magyar + 5 guests, Hungry Grape, Canada / Hungary
Gyula Sümeghy + guest, foreign education, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
Tímea Makk, student, University of Veterinary Medicine , Hungary
Tímea Sutus Juhász, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Árpád Ferenc Kocsis, journalist, Bankár magazine, Hungary
Mária Crab, export manager, Vylyan Vineyard and Winery, Hungary
János Bodor, sommelier, Hungary
Attila Orsolyák, winemaker, Hungary
Szabolcs Újfalussy, wine expert, Hungary
Máté Bruckner + guest, politologist, Hungary
Gábor Gyarmati, wine connoisseur and collector, Hungary
Krisztina Csiba, wine social media marketing expert, Ripassa Ltd., Hungary
Anna Fehér + guest, marketing manager, Koch Winery, Hungary
Tímea Tóth + guest, brand manager, Lajver Wine Estate, Hungary
Rebeka Vida, winemaker, Lajver Wine Estate, Hungary
László Kozma, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Virág Bodor, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Jerzy Sztyler + partner, Winiarnia Lippóczy Pince, Poland
Kata Zsirai, winemaker, Zsirai Winery, Hungary
Petra Zsirai, marketing, Zsirai Winery, Hungary
Máté Csanaky, export, Zsirai Winery, Hungary
Zoltán Horváth, manager, Kamra wine store, Kecskemét, Hungary
Hajnalka Szabó, MBA, Füleky Tokaj, Hungary
László Ladomérszky, Tokaj Tourism, Hungary
Justyna Swiacka, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Kemal Arda Bayer, wine connoisseur, Hungary
Péter Farkas, commercial manager, Paulus Winery, Hungary
Valler Linda, Oremus Winery, Hungary
Zoltán Kertész + guest, owner, Carla Wine House, Hungary
Erika Rácz, winemaker, Sanzon Tokaj, Hungary
Zsuzsanna Babarczi, winemaker, Hungary
Katalin Tóth + 2 guests, owner, Tóth Ferenc Winery
Péter Molnár, estate manager, Patricius, Hungary
Ádám Geri, marketing manager, Patricius, Hungary
Bernadett Kovács, Kedvenc Kereskedőház winestore, Hungary