Heimann & Fiai Szekszárd Szívem Kékfrankos 2021


Type of the wine: Red, Dry
Grape variety:  100% Kékfrankos
Alcohol content: 12,5%

5.9 g/l
Residual sugar: 1.3 g/l
Terroir, vineyard:  Szekszárd, Baranya-valley vineyard. Old, mass selected Kékfrankos vines planted in 1969. 1.5 hectares at 200–210 m above sea level. Terraces of southeastern exposure. Thick layer of loess soil with high lime content. The grapes for this Kékfrankos are grown in the middle of the Baranya-völgy in vineyards enjoying abundant sunshine. With southeast exposure the valley opens to the Great Hungarian Plain so the grapes ripen early and yield consistently rich wines. The 50 year old vineyard was restructured in 2009. It was well worth putting the effort into the reconstruction, because a vineyard of this age has a great value in our wine region. The vineyard was cultivated during the socialist era, when quantity ruled over quality, yields were high and vineyard works were carried on less thoroughly – as a consequence, the vineyards were exploited to high extent. Since the reconstruction the vineyard gives balanced crop almost regardless the vintages.
Vineyard management: Carefully planned, low intervention protection of the vineyard. Herbicides and insecticides are avoided (certified organic conversion started in 2020. Manual shoot and bunch selection. Average yield: 5 tons / hectare.
Harvest: Hand harvest in 15 kg boxes between 25 August and 11 September 2018.
Technology: Spontaneous fermentation in one concrete vat and several small plastic fermenters, 20–30% in whole bunches. Delicate extraction with daily 2x pigeage or pump-over. Pressed without pumping after 20–24 days of skin contact. Spontaneous malolactic fermentation. Barrel ageing for 8 months in large, 1000 litre Hungarian barrels. Estate bottled without fining and filtration.
Quality level: Single vineyard wine from selected parcels
Temperature: 16 °C
Food pairing: Dishes made of piglet, pork and lamb, red flesh game poultry, duck and goose. Pairs well with plates garnished with fruit or beetroot and ideal with cheese.
Available quantity: 1.500–2.000 bottles / year
Retail price: 32.50 euros
Wine reviews:  JancisRobinson.com: 17++p, WineAnorak.com: 92 p, Vinography.com: 9–9.5
Importers: USA: Danch&Granger Selections (California), Knit Wines (New York), Canada: Rezin (Quebec), Germany: K&U Weinhalle (Nürnberg), Naturgenuss GmbH, Weinhandlung Suff (Berlin) BorStore.de, Weingenuss aus Ungarn (online), Denmark: Løgismose, The Netherlands: Anfors-Imperial, Belgium: Roi de Rois, Russia: Lion Wine, Poland: NaWino


Ripened, darker fruit, great depth, stunning freshness. Rounded palate with good tannins, powerful structure. It reminds us of Baranya valley in every aspect, but it is even more complex, even deeper.

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