REKONTIR GROUP – the dreamworks

In the past 20 years REKONTIR has carried on 261 projects from scratch to the the end, and as a consequence the dreams of 98 partners have come true.


Angelika Kerka

Sonberk – a dream winery where you would not expect one

Read it!

Rajiv Singhal 

The Sparkle in Luxembourg’s crown

Read it!

Rajiv & Ritu Singhal 

Goosemark in Kent

Read it!


  • The absolute winner of all 4 categories (the one collects the most votes among the finalists) will win an all inclusive study tour in Hungary on 17–20 August, including flight ticket from and to a European destination. In case the winner cannot travel due to COVID restrictions, another option will be offered in March 2022.
  • The category winner article will be posted on
  • The category winner will receive an electronic badge that he or she can display on the website or blog.
  • The winner of the category will receive a magnum bottle of a méthode traditionnelle Hungarian sparkling wine provided REKONTIR.
  • The winner of the category can participate in the all inclusive study tour in Hungary on 17–20 August, excluding flight ticket.
  • All finalists of the category will receive a wine package provided by REKONTIR.
  • All category winners will get invitation to the award ceremony taking place on 19 August 2021 in the Castle of Siklós (Villány, Hungary).

Jury members

Julia Scavo

Romanian born, Julia had been living in her country for 20 years before coming to France for studies. After passing a Bachelor and an educational masters (CAPES) in Mathematics, she got fond of wine. She did several courses and received countless degrees, just to mention one: at her WSET diploma course she finished with distinction, what is more she received an award: the inaugural “Gérard Basset Memorial Prize”. Some of her latest results as a sommelier: Winner of the Central European Championship 2012, 3rd place in the Best Sommelier of Europe, 5th place in the Best Sommelier of the World 2013, ” What I like most about the profession is sharing experience and knowledge, hence I have come back to teaching since 2013.” Julia was the absolute winner of the 3rd Hungarian WebWineWriting.

John Clarke

With an almost lifelong interest in wine, I was delighted to be able to share my tastes and my thoughts with others after I was asked to compile a series of wine round-ups for the i newspaper in the UK. That was five years ago. Today, I’m still sampling wines from around the world and writing about them for the “IndyBest” section of  The Independent online at . I believe it’s my job to inform, educate and hopefully entertain.

Dr. József Kosárka

After several years of diplomacy – József Kosárka used to be the Hungarian ambassador in Mexico, Chile and Peru – he dedicates most of his time to his passion, the wine. He is the founder and president of the Circle of Hungarian Winewriters, board member of the Hungarian Sommelier Association, a wine expert and judge of national and international wine competitions. He is active in his social network channels, a true wine influencer with great knowledge and experience.

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