Sabar Blues july

Be optimistic and get the blues this summer!

Sabar Wine House has had enough of the pandemic and boldly announced the dates of the 4th Sabar Blues event. The estate lies among the picturesque volcanic hills and mountains of Badacsony region, a stone throw from Lake Balaton, the largest lake of Central Europe. The event will be safe: the space around the buildings is large enough to ensure the possibilty of keeping distance.

Dates: 2–4 July, 2021

Location: Sabar Wine House, Badacsony, Hungary (about 2 hours’ drive from Budapest)

Price: free (you only have to pay for your consumption)

More about Sabar and its wines

Outdoor Oasis

As Spiros Malandrakis, Euromonitor International’s head of alcoholic drinks research said to Chris Boiling in an interview, after the pandemic open air places will have spacial importance. Wine tourism could benefit as consumers look to reconnect with nature and visit open-air venues for leisure and to safely socialise. An Outdoor Oasis provides a change of scenery and enables the feeling of connectedness while disconnecting from crowds. Dining, exercising, socialising and relaxing in open-air venues become essential for trapped consumers.

Sabar Wine House is a perfect example of this Outdoor Oasis, and you can easily find a house to rent for your stay – disconnection is guaranteed.


Want to get younger?

Last year all of us spent the spring in lockdown – so did the musicians. As a consequence, all the music, all the energy stayed inside their souls and waited for the moment to burst out. The moment came in the summer, at Sabar Blues. As Gábor Ádám, the owner of Sabar Wine House recalls: “Last summer the bands played with so much power, they recharged our energy level so much that we felt 20 years younger”.

If you want experience the unexplainable, try and visit Sabar Blues. An important argument pro the tour: Sabar wines are amazing, complex, crystal clear, exciting.

As for the bands, they are not announced yet, but there is a movie about last summer’s event, if you like blues, you will enjoy it a lot!

Watch Sabar Blues movie

Sabarism – a philosophy to heal the soul

Maybe it is the charisma of the owner. Perhaps the taste of the wines from the volcanic soil. Could be the magic attraction of these ancient hills and mountains of Balaton Uplands. Or all of them together, but people experience something unique there, and with the help of the regular visitors, Gábor Ádám put it into words in the following way:

It was not conscious at all. The concept of sabarism simply developed somehow and also the name came from you. After a long night spent on the wine terrace, a guest of ours texted us this word. We found it nice and funny, so we started using it in our everyday lives, and at this point, we may be able to finally define what it really means. 

We have been a small winery for ten years, with great plans and great wines. Many of you have been regular visitors to Sabar Hill almost from the beginning, and some of you even take our wines with you to ski. 🙂 More and more people like spending time here with a growing family and a growing circle of friends, and sometimes you celebrate important anniversaries with us. When you are here, it is like spending college years together. The most essential thing is being together, laugh and share experiences, just like back in school. This is what sabarism means to us. Relaxed and cheerful moments, days, tearful laughs, emotions, tranquility.

We know you, sabarists.

We don’t know your biographical information, but we know how good it feels to ease up here after a hard week. Or to just lay your eyes on the clouds for long minutes. To drink a few glasses of wine that flows into your body like the water of life. To talk with strangers for hours, then think of them as friends on the way home. And then to wait for another day to come when we can catch up right where we’d left off in the world of Sabar, a peaceful place without the evergoing competition of the outside world.  

Sabarism is a trend that brings human well-feeling, the joy of spending time together, laughing and relaxing without social glaze, back into fashion again.


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