BalatonBor – the wine of the lake

Feind BalatonBor 2020

BalatonBor is made from Olaszrizling (also known as ’Welschriesling’), it is the most popular and the most grown grape variety around Lake Balaton. It is a typical summer wine, juicy, easy going with citrus and green apple notes, refreshing with the obligatory almond aftertaste. The wine should be fresh, the barrel must not dominate the wine, therefore only maximum 25% of the wine is allowed to be aged in barrel.

(Cover photo of frozen Lake Balaton is by Norbert Varga)

Every year a commitee gathers to evaluate the submitted samples (organized by Balaton Circle and Riesling Generation). The wines with the required quaity can use the name BalatonBor (BalatonWine) and are allowed to be labelled with the community label. The 2021 vintage BalatonBor wineries have been revelead recently, 13 wineries can sell BalatonBor from vintage 2021. These estates make altogether 82 000 bottles, and the goal is to involve more wineries and produce 100 000 bottles in 2022. “By now restaurateurs have realized the merits of BalatonBor, customers like it, and the only problem is that it gets sold out.” – commented Győző Dobosi winemaker, the owner of Dobosi Winery, the estate where the panel tasting took place.

Feind Winery is situated on the west of the Lake, a family winery led by the second generation Zoltán Feind. The winery has undergone serious technical development recently, as a result it can boast some of the most modern machineries in Hungary. At the moment only the 2020 vintage of BalatonBor is available. What is Feind BalatonBor like? “Easy drinking but at the same time is quite substantial. We recommend pairing it with cheeses and poultry dishes, but it’s a great choice in itself or as a spritzer. Ideal wine for “waiting for the sun”

The 13 wineries making BalatonBor 2021: Bujdosó, Dobosi, Fata, Feind, Gyukli, Hujber, Istvándy, Koronczai, Pócz, Szeremley, Tagyon, Veszrpémi, Zelna.

More about Feind Winery


Balatonbor judgment

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