Pinceszer tasting in Budapest

“Cellar Tasting” on 7 May in Budapest with 35 wineries

HUN wines from outside of Hungary

‘Pinceszer’ is an event where you can taste hundreds of wines from more than 35 Hungarian wineries, which are not situated in Hungary. What? Your question is relevant. These wineries are from the Hungarian speaking regions of our neighbouring countries: Serbia, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine.


12.00–15.00 Tasting for wine professionals

15.00–21.00 Tasting for consumers

Tickets are available here

Location: Museum of Hungarian Agriculture, Castle of Vajdahunyad, City Park, Budapest

Four wineries from Ukraine!

‘Pinceszer’ is an old Hungarian word for a row of cellars in a village. It is also the name of the second edition of a tasting with Hungarian wineries located outside of the recent borders of Hungary. The initiative was launched by Attila Geönczeöl, a Hungarian wine writer living in Slovakia, and in fact he – like many other wine writers – was tempted to make his own wines.

You can find the whole list of wineries if you scroll down on this link.

The website is in Hungarian, but do not worry, just scroll down until you find the list of wineries. Do not miss this amazing opportunity to taste wines from wine regions you hardly know (or never heard of…). Attila and all the organizers are happy to announce that despite the circumstances 4 wineries will participate from ‘Kárpátalja”, the Hungarian speaking part of Ukraine.

Géza Balla Wine Princess
Géza Balla from Wine Princess winery (Ménes wine region, Transylvania, Romania) from last year event

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