Páva Transylvanian restaurant dinner with Bock wines Villány Hungary

Bock wine dinner with Transylvanian dishes on 11 May

The Transylvanian restaurant Páva will present the dishes at this unique wine dinner in Villány at Bock Óbor Restaurant, certainly with all the courses paired with a Bock wine. Tickets are available in limited quantity. 7 traditional “székely” courses plus amuse-bouche and dessert.

Páva is a restaurant in Transylvania, more precisely in Székelyudvarhely (in Romanian Odorheiu Secuiesc). This town is situated in the middle of Romania, yet 94% of the inhabitants speak Hungarian as their mother tongue. They are called “székelys”, more info here.

Date and time: 11 May 2023, 18.30
Venue: Bock Óbor Restaurant, 7773 Villány, Batthyány u. 15., Hungary
Wines: novelties by Valér Bock, József Bock’s son
Tickets: 29 000 HUF / approx 75-77 euro
Buy tickets here (scroll down to see the blue box ‘Jegyek vásárlása’)
Contact: recepcio@bock.hu
Looking for accommodation? See Bock Hotel Ermitage

The Menu

Marcell 2019 méthode traditionnelle

Layered beef tongue with tarragon, mayonnaise potato
Chardonnay Battonage 2021

Lamb sausage with ratatouille, sous vide quail egg
BV Kadarka 2020

Potato soup with cottage cheese, wild onions
Rosé 2022

Stuffed true morels
Malbec 2020 / Petit Verdot 2020

Lamb, baked celery purée, spinach
BV Syrah Extreme 2020

Mangalitza rib, baked cabbage, pesto of marasmius mushroom
Bock 40 2017

Corn pie, blueberry, sour cream foam
Sweet Hárslevelű 2022

Elizabeth Smith US wine writer about Marcell sparkling wine

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