Quadruple Jammertal success on WineAdvocate.com

Villány estate Jammertal boasts with four 90+ wine reviews on WineAdvocate.com – the three of them in the cover photo are available –, the influential wine website founded by Robert Parker. Importers, attention: the wines are not imported to the United States yet. Good news: all the three wines have very long ageing potential according to Mark Squires, the wine expert who has written the reviews.

“It will age gracefully”

2017 Jammertal Wine Estate Koh-I-Noor Cabernet Sauvignon
92 points
Sensually textured with velvet, it is also tighton the finish, showing both lingering red fruits and some grippingpower. It is dry and serious, never jammy. It’s not too astringent, but this is not fully ready either. It has plenty of concentration to go with its ripe but never bombastic fruit. It seems like a beautiful package today, although one that will certainly benefit from another couple of years of age. It should age gracefully into the 2030s, granting that I have little track record with these, so there is no rush to dive in. You can drink it today if you wish, but that is probably a mistake without extended aeration.
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“Polished and attractive

2015 Jammertal Wine Estate Cassiopeia CF (Cabernet Franc)
90 points
Beautifully textured and very elegant, this is bright and fresh with some firmness on the finish. The typical herbs fight with the vanilla from the wood. There’s a bit too much wood impact overall, but this is still polished and attractive. The extra few years in bottle have done it a lot of good and allowed it to pull in some of the wood, making that far less of a distraction. Then, you can focus on the velvety texture. It’s worth leaning up for the moment, even while wishing there was a bit less vanilla. This is likely to hold well throughout the decade, maybe longer.

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“Finesse and precision”

2015 Jammertal Wine Estate Cassiopeia MCF * CAPH (84% Merlot & 16% Cabernet Franc)
90 points
“…there are extra years of bottle age, this shows pretty well and manages not to be overwhelmed by the wood. The rest is superb. As with its Cassiopeia siblings in this report, this MCF has reasonable mid-palate finesse and precision, a backbone and admirable structure overall. The texture here is sensual, too, with a velvety and caressing overlay. This seems young and poised to age very well, at least another decade. It can be drunk now, but you might want to give it another year or so if you can. It might still improve more.”
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Elegant and restrained

2019 Jammertal Wine Estate Koh-I-Noor Merlot
91 points

Elegant and restrained, this is a wine that, like its Koh-I-Noor siblings in this report, needs a little more time,probably more than the winery is contemplating. It shows hints of a classic flavor profile, impressive structure, precision and fine mid-palate finesse. It needs to come together, become more harmonious and evolve. This looks like it has a great chance to do so, but as with its siblings, this is all about the potential today. Let’s start here, recognizing that it has a good chance to improve.
(This wine is not released yet.)

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