Harvest wine dinner at Tornai Winery, Somló

Harvest wine dinner at Tornai Winery, Somló

Tornai is one of the most successful wineries of Balaton broader wine region – just enough to mention their International Wine Challenge Trophies in three consecutive years. A wonderful occassion to taste Tornai selection is a four course wine dinner created by their chef, Csaba Németh, celebrated in the winery’s restaurant in Somló, and the wines will be introduced by Rebeka Vida winemaker. The first course is cold smoked duck liver served on salad with butter pear, accompanied by Tornai Zenit 2017 – and the following courses are mouthwatering as well. Date: 28 October, price: 11 900 HUF / person (38 euros), booking: rendezveny@tornaipince.hu

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