Talent show by Teleki

A winery has countless options for sponsoring, but it will work only if the topic matches with the wines. In case of this Villány winery the match is perfect: Teleki aims to target the young generation with its youthful and playful wines, while the recent online talent show presents 15 young street musicians, who will obviously urge their peers to visit the talent show website. Brilliant idea, great targeting. The talent show was launched by singer Odett (in the photo), and its objective is to find promising bands and solo singers, who need just a push and a little attention to more forward on their career path. If you are interested, you can listen to the songs (under the photos) and you can also vote for 6 best ones (‘Szavazás’). And of course, the winery of Teleki wines, Csányi Winery does not produce only screwcapped young rosés and fruity red wines, but serious, great, elegant wines as well – just to mention one: its Kővilla Válogatás Villányi Cuvée 2015 has just won gold medal at the latest edition of Berliner Wine Trophy.

More about Teleki wines

Zenél az utca (‘Street musicians playing’) project (in Hungarian, but music is an international language…)

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