Frittmann Gold Traditional Method 2019

Type of wine: Brut white sparkling wine

Grape varieties: Ezerjó

Wine region: Kunság

Alcohol: 11.5%

Acidity: 7.4 g/L

Residual sugar: 8.3 g/L

Extract: 21.9 g/L

Technology: Méthode traditionnelle sparkling wine

Serving temperature: 8–10°C

Food pairing: Poultry, fish or cheeses

Bottled quantity: 5000 bottles

Retail price: 5000 HUF / 16 euro

Story: Ezerjó is a Hungarian grape variety. Literally Ezerjó means ‘Thousand Good’, and it used to be one of the most common varieties in Hungary, well known throughout the Carpathian Basin. It has pale, greenish colour. Restrained on the nose, slightly aromatic. Light body, easy drinking, juicy with high acidity.


Small bubbles nicely go up in this lemon coloured sparkling wine. On the nose it shows the characteristic aromas of méthode traditionnelle sparkling wines of yeast, sponge-cake and biscuits. The elegant sip structure is completed by medium acid level and creamy bubbling. On the palate herbal and grapefruit aromas complete the notes of the bouquet.

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