Wine Exhibition in Székesfehérvár this Saturday

img_2658_1Date: 14 January, 2017, 5 pm – 11 pm
Location: 1 Liszt Ferenc square
Type of event: consumer tasting with 20 wineries

Székesfehérvár is a lovely, lively city less than an hour’s drive from Budapest. It is worth visiting the place for a whole day and see the crowning cathedral – since Székesfehérvár used to be the royal centre of Hungary, and only those kings were legitimate, who were crowned in the cathedral of Székesfehérvár.
The wine event is organised by a wine club called Barrique, and the enthusiastic team works a lot to make the tasting unforgettable. Székesfehérvár is the main city of Mór wine region, and this region will be presented at the tasting by Csetvei Cellar, which produces outstanding quality white wines, don’t miss their Ezerjó – a typical grape from Mór!
Pannonhalma wine region is also nearby, Babarczi Winery will show their suberb Irsai Olivér from Pannonhalma. Not only neighbouring wine regions will display their wines, but wineries from the other end of Hungary will participate in the event as well, for example Frittmann Winery from Kunság or Zsirai Winery from Tokaj.

The event’s Facebook page



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