„Unexpected amount of orders” – said Novel Wines director, UK


Successful portfolio tasting in Bath

Novel Wines was founded in 2016, and it aims to bring new colours to the tables of their customers. Have you ever tasted wine from Thailand? No? Neither we have, but we are curious. Novel Wines is a retailer to check if you are looking for curiosity from all around the globe. Novel Wines was set up in 2016 to share the very best unique and undiscovered wines with UK consumers. Every wine is hand-selected for our wine list. Try something new today!”– this the philosophy behind Novel Wine, a company founded by a British award winning wine journalist, Ben Franks, and a Hungarian wine importer, György Zsiga. You needn’t be a wine specialist to taste something fantastic and unusual. It’s about putting the fun back into wine by playing on our curiosity and search for new tastes by making every wine you buy a talking point.” Danube Wines, their other project deals with importing wines, and their portfolio of Hungarian wines has been shaped based on their experiences of the previous five years.

Kékfrankos and Furmint – the two stars of the tasting

Last Saturday Novel Wines held a great portfolio tasting of some 150 wines from all around the world – including Hungary – to celebrate their first birthday. „We had planned to sell 200 tickets, and we sold all, plus we invited some 20 bloggers and wine journalists” – said György Zsiga director about the Hilton Bath City tasting event, apologizing for the delay in his answer. „We had so many orders after the tasting, it took a while to deal with them”. Most of Novel Wines customers are private winelovers, and they were fascinated by the Furmint wines and Furmint blends showcased at the tasting, for example by Kardos Supreme Furmint from Tokaj. The other „favourite” was Kékfrankos (Blaufrankish), for example Szent Donát ’Magma’ Kékfrankos 2015 from Balatonfüred wine region. Heumann Cabernet Franc from Villány was another great surprise for the guests. Congratulation to the owners for the great concept and the successful event!

All over Britain              

Bath – soon becomes „little Hungary”… Novel Wines retailer frequently holds wine club events, tastings, and since they have wholsale licence, soon you will discover Hungarian wines on Bath restaurant wine lists as well. Their wine important company, Danube Wines has numerous partners throughout United Kingdom including independent wine stores and restaurants. Odd Bins have been one of their clients, but you can taste great Hungarian wines imported by Danube Wines also at Chequers Inn in Weston Turtville, at Danube Restaurant in Newark and you can buy Hungarian wines at Somerset Wine Company in Castle Cary or at the Thirty Nine 10 wine store in St. Albans. And of course you can order from Novel Wines webshop – in case of 99 GPP order the wines will arrive with free delivery. We strongly recommend to browse their wine list and then order. Let us share our favourites here:

Frittmann Gold Brut – a stunning méthode traditionnelle sparkling wine made of Ezerjó grape – a true rarity!
Laposa Kéknyelű, Badacsony – elegant example of a unique grape variety with lovely floral and mineral notes
Zsirai Középhegy Furmint, Tokaj – an amazingly complex, exciting, layered wine with long finish:

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