A yummy wine in harmony with nature

Dobosi Triangle Organic Olaszrizling from Balaton

The first requirement a wine must meet is that it should be delicious. We drink wine because we want to enjoy it with or without a meal. If we know that this wine was made without any or with the minimum intervention to nature, it is the icing on the cake.

A family affair with a noble mission

Dobosi is a family winery on the north side of Balaton, and the cultivate their 26.5 hectare vineyard organically in the picturesque Nivegy Valley. The winery, which was established in the18thcentury, has a clear vision: “The most important principles are the development of a harmonic state, the use of modern forecasting methods, prevention and biological protection. The organic production mode prohibits the use of any fertilizers, growth regulators and propagating materials. In addition, we can produce our wines with private labels – upon request of companies and individuals alike. Our business objective is to familiarize our customers with our products and our company’s commitment to organic products and their quality, values that span over several generations.”

Not Bermuda, but triangle

A magic terroir, a unique land. Triangle (Háromszög) Olaszrizling is a ‘Hegybor’ (‘Mountain wine’), which means that it is a single vineyard wine from Balaton. Triangle refers to Agyaglik vineyard, a triangle shaped vineyard that borders the communes of Dörgicse, Balatoncsicsó and Szentantalfa. If you travel to Balaton, this region called Balaton Uplands is a must. We believe (the editors of the website) that the most beautiful road of the country to drive is here, connecting Zánka with Tapolca, running through the lovely, fairy tale like villages. For this wine the Dobosi team harvested fully ripened fruit. After fermentation the wine was divided into two parts, one part was aged in stainless steel tank, while the other was aged on fine lees in second use 500 litre barrels.

For more information on the variety Olaszrizling, see our Grape dictionary.

Great scores, stunning tasting experience

Market leading Hungarian print magazine called VinCE has recently conducted a paneltasting of organic wines, and this Olaszrizling achieved a great result (great or excellent, which means that 4 star is given to it, at least 16 scores out of 20). The panel gave this wine 16.26 scores and seemingly liked it a lot: “Golden yellow colour. Ripened white fruits on the nose with a peculiar, exciting, slightly smoky note. Full bodied, concentrated wine with higher alcohol, creamy texture and pleasant, vibrant acidity. Oily wine rich in flavors, with an aftertaste of birch and honey.”

What to eat with Triangle?

The winemaker itself, Győző Dobosi recommends fish dishes with the wine, and indeed, the rich wine can cope with complex fish dishes, and its acidity is helpful with greasy flesh fish types as well. However, we have tasted the wine with smoked ham, and found that the little smokiness in the wine has a lovely counterpart in the cured ham, too. Also wonderful when you do not dine, just have a chat and some snack of cheese and nuts. Olaszrizling is a versatile variety, and Triangle is an obvious evidence of this thesis.

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