Sauvignon Blanc

A drop of Balaton in the heart of Budapest

Kristinus Borboutique

Kristinus Wine Estate is situated on the south coast of Europe’s largest lake, Balaton. It is definitely worth driving approximately two hours to Kéthely and visit the state of art building, which is covered by special material that reflects the surroundings of the building – thus the result is a buliding covered with colours and shining lights. Besides the breathtaking building the estate has sophisticated looking rooms, a wine cinema and a gourmet restaurant. Read our article about Kristinus Wine Cinema.

Sauvignon Blanc

A shop in the capital

However if you do not have time for a trip to Balaton, you can enjoy „the taste of the lake” in Budapest, in the very centre of the city! Deák square is really the vivid heart of this youthful capital, it used the be the main bus station, then for a while this suqare was meant to be the location of the new national theatre. Finally plans have changed, the theatre was built by the river Danube, but a hole already dug for the theatre remained. It took some years while the square has found its objective in life: now it hosts and underground parking house and some grass covered places for just killing time. In summer the square is full of youngsters sitting on the grass, with their feet in the  decoration pools, drinking wine and chatting. This square is the place where Kristinus Wine estate opened a shop, called Kristinus Borboutique (’bor’ stands for wine). Pop in, taste the new vintage Irsai Olivér, this crispy, aromatic, enchanting wine!

More about Kristinus Wine Estate

Kristinus Borbutique
1051 Budapest, Erzsébet tér 11.

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