Budapest is among top 20 destinations for young Americans!

termalfurdo_vilag_legszebb_teli_furdoi4szechenyiUS daily paper New York Times has published an article about top 20 destinations for Americants in their twenties recently, and Budapest was ranked 11th, mostly because of its spas and cafés. In ’20 places to travel in your 20s’ Dan Saltzstein describes Budapest as a vivid city: ‘11. Budapest. It’s come a long way from its Soviet days. Language can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s a welcoming place full of charm and a youthful energy. Take a soak in one of its famous bathhouses and enjoy the city’s laid-back cafe culture.’ The journalist says ‘There’s no better way to change your perception of the world — and maybe yourself — than travel. You’ll experience different cultures, meet new friends and make lifelong memories. But traveling in your 20s poses challenges: You might have financial constraints, limited time off from work and concerns about safety.’ And he is right.

Budapest is still among the affordable places. The city has a fairly good public transport system (though be careful with the controllers, they are eager to catch you without ticket), the spas are really stunning, they have their own culture (for example) you can see old citizens playing chess in the pool), cafés tell you stories about the poets who used to spend there whole lives there, and of course there are numerous wine bars where choose a pearl of Hungarian wines by the glass.

43c51c22940677.5631ac1d4b7f4Imagine! – an example of Budapest latest wine bars

Tanyamacska 2013

Tanyamacska 2013

‘Képzeld el’ is a cosy wine bar in the heart of the city with lesser known Hungarian wines and a good selection of foreign sparkling wines. The name ‘képzeld el’ means ‘imagine!’ They also act as a wine club organizing wine tasting events. The wine bar offers small selection of bistro food (soups, sandwiches, spreads, cheese and ham plates).

If you pop in, taste Eszterbauer Pincészet (Szekszárd) “Tanyamacska” Kékfrankos 2014, only 3 euros a glass of 0,15 l.

You can find more wine bars here

Read the whole New York Times article


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