pork tenderloin with rose cream

Pork tenderloin with potato soufflé and rosé sparkling cream

A delicious, light meal for the weekend, what’s more, it is easy to prepare. Garamvári Evolution méthode traditionnelle sparkling wine goes into the cream – and of course, into the glasses.

– 3 roll porl tenderloin
– 400 ml Garamvári Evolution Rosé sparkling wine
– 400 ml milk
– mustard, parmesan
– mixed pepper, salt, brown sugar, nutmeg
– 4 large potatoes
– 100 g butter
– 50 g flour
– 200 ml pork meat soup
– 200 ml cooking cream
– 8 eggs
– starch

garamvari evolution


– First clean the tenderloin rolls, remove the excess fat and spread the meat with mustard. Roll them in in freshly, roughly ground pepper. Put them aside and leave them rest.

– Wash the potatoes. In an iron dish, put sea salt (1 cm think layer) and lay the potatoes on the salt bed. Put them in preheated oven (180 C) for an hour, turn the potatoes after 30 minutes.

– Mash the hot potatoes (throw away the peels). Place the mashed potatoes in a frying pan, season with ground nutmeg, add 50 g butter and 4 egg yolks. Cook it at low temperature. Stir constantly until you get a smooth, even dough.

– Spread butter inside the soufflé cups. Sprinkle some ground parmesan inside the cups.

– In a saucepan melt 50 g butter and add 50 g flour and cook at low temperature. Add 400 ml cold milk gradually, stir it constantly. Add 4 egg yolks, salt and pepper, again some ground nutmeg. Mix it with the potato dough.

– Beat 5 egg whites and mix with the yellow potato dough.

– Put the dough into the soufflé cups. Place them in preheated oven (180 C) and bake them for 35–40 minutes.

– Place the tenderloin on a baking tray, use baking paper. You can put them in the oven together with the soufflé, but take out the meat after 25 minutes.

– Meanwhile make the sparkling cream: pour 400 ml rosé sparkling wine in a saucepan. Add 200 ml pork soup. Boil for 3-4 minutes. Add 4 teaspoon of starch. Add a pinch of salt and a little brown sugar. Stir constantly and add 200 ml cooking cream. Cook it until it gets thick.

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Video (in Hungarian, but you can see the procedure)

Garamvári Evolution Rosé

The Pinot Noir for this sparkling wine comes from Balatonlelle, Magyar vineyard. Press and maceration in the pressing machine for 6 hours to ensure pink colour. Then we applied pre-planned fermentation and bottling in March. The first fermentation in the thank on 14 C, ageing into bottling. The second fermentation aged for 7 years in the same bottle into disgorging. “Wild raspberries and wild cherries at start following with subtle, yeasty, biscuity notes with dynamic, pleasant acids.”

More about Garamvári Vineyard and the wines

tenderloin in mustard and pepper

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