Hold and Hollo Dry 2018

Type of the wine: White, dry
Grape variety: Furmint, Hárslevelű, Zéta, Muscat Lunel
Alcohol content: 13%
Acidity: 6.2 g/l
Residual sugar: 6.9 g/l
Terroir, vineyard: Becsek, Dorgó, Nyulászó
Harvest: From August to September
Vintage: The deliberate work of our viticulture team combined with the dazzling tolerance of our vineyards have overcome not only the early frosts but also the extreme weather anomalies of spring. The divine plant reacted „impatiently” during its development (early flowering and cluster closure), as a result we were able to begin the harvest in mid-August. 2018 is truly exceptional vintage for us: with 100% dry harvest, and the finest botrytised grapes collected for our sweet wines, a new chapter has begun at HOLDVÖLGY.
Technology: Direct pressing, fermentation and ageing in stainless steel
Temperature:  11–12 °C
Informative retail price: 14 euros


The fragrance starts off as a snow-white petal, with dynamic, citrusy aromas, green apple and gooseberry, boldly pushing the boundaries. As we get to the fresh, yet juicy, crunchy sip, apple continues to dominate, alongside something really special note – the striking, aromatic essence of passion fruit, intertwined with sour lime and then deepened by the creaminess of green banana. Impressive balance, intense experience.

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