Rhine Riesling Hercegföld 2023

Type of wine: Dry, white

Grape varieties: 100% Rhine Riesling

Alcohol: 12.5%

Acidity: 5.4 g/L

Residual sugar: 5 g/L

Extract: 24.5 g/L

Terroir, vineyard: The grape comes from Hercegföld, an 8-year-old plantation between Bács hill and Csobánc mountain in Badacsony wine region.

Technology: Cold fermentation, maturation in stainless steel.

Serving temperature: 11–12 °C

Bottled quantity: 6588 bottles

Cellar webshop retail price: 4100 HUF / 10-11 EUR

Story: ‘Hercegföld’, the name of the vineyard means ‘The Prince’s land’.


For those, who love the feeling of biting into the flesh of fresh, sun ripened apricot. Adventurous aromatics of papaya, yellow rose after a summer rain. Yes, it was not an easy year, yet, you do not complain, you shine even more. Sabar Hercegföld. The name obliges.

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