Type of the wine: RED, DRY
Grape variety: 100% Cabernet Franc
Acidity / alcohol content:  0 g/l 13,5 %
Terroir, vineyard:  Várerdő vineyard
Training system:  Cordon system
Harvest: Hand harvested at the end of October, beginning of November.
Technology:  After careful selection and fermentation the wine was placed in oak barrels for 18 months.
Quality level:  Flagship wine
Temperature:  16 °C
Food pairing:  A wine for the most complex dishes when spiced moderately – with a proper food pair it will show its most beautiful face.
Available quantity:  1.800 BOTTLES
Retail price:  12.150 HUF / 38 EUROS


An outstanding wine, the flagship of the winery. The grape for the wine comes from a cooler vineyard of Villány called Várerdő (’Castle forest’). Serious body and harmony characterizes the wine with some playful spices from oak ageing.

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