Real rarities from Hungary at VINISUD, Wine Mosaic Talk&Taste

Unique grape varieties from Villány

VINISUD (18–20 February, Montpellier, France) is smaller than ProWein, and since it showcases mediterranean regions, it is more focused – thus many trade professionals prefer this event thanks to its obtainable size. The Hungarian mediterranean wine region, Villány will exhibit as well: you can taste Villányi Franc at Villány community stand within Wine Mosaic section. Tokaj will also by represented by Dorka Homoky, a winemaker from Tállya.
For the first time in VINISUD Hungary will be introduced during a tutored tasting  at 4 pm on 19th February: Hungary in a nutshell: Renewal of Tokaj and Discover of Villany wine regions. Since the tasting is within Wine Mosaic Conference Talk & Taste, we will adjust our topic to the mission of Wine Mosaic: to introduce rare and exciting grape varieties to preserve them for the future.
Dorka Homoky will present grapes of Tokaj: Furmint and Hárslevelű. Furmint may be the most wellknown, while Hárslevelű is really exciting – and many experts share this opinion of ours.

’Csóka’, ’Járdovány’, ’Portugieser’ – and of course Villányi Franc editor Ágnes Németh will present five wines to show that Villány, our most famous red wine region is much more then the birthplace of blockbuster wines of Bordeaux varieties.

  • Portugieser is an indigenous grape of Villány, and though it is considered to be a grape to give everyday wines, you can find exceptional examples of them. With Koch Portugieser we will show that Portugieser can be aged, while Bock Jammertal Selection will show a totally new face of the variety.
  • Fekete (literally black) Járdovány is a grape variety unknown for even local wine experts. It is practically not grown anywhere, Attila Gere, the iconic winemaker in Villány however two parcels of this ancient grape of the Carpathian Basin. He carries on several experiments with the research centre of Pécs, and his single varietal Fekete Járdovány is a result of this experiment. The grape extincted with phylloxera, but it came to life again in 2011, when the first vintage was made. It gives acid driven, spicy, fruity wine with a nose of sour cherry and rose pepper. On the palate it is easy going, lovely and spicy – slightly similar to Kadarka.
  • Csóka is another „rescued” grape by Pécs Research Centre, and this indigenous grape is said to be older than Kadarka. It gets its name from a black bird, because the grape itself is extremely dark blue. Vylyan Csóka is a limited edition, medium bodied, energetic wine with bright acidity and tannin. Rich varietal character.
  • Villányi Franc must be included in every presentation of Villány, it is really the ideal meeting of a grape and a wine region. You can taste cabernet Franc practically everywhere, but you can taste Villányi Franc only from Villány. Kővilla Villányi Franc is a beautiful, elegant example of the the brand.
If you are interested in this presentation, find us on Monday at Wine Mosaic Taste & Talk or write to us for a limited number of invitations!

The list of Villány wines presented:

  1. Koch Portugieser, 2015
  2. Bock Portugieser Jammertal Selection, 2016
  3. Gere Attila Járdovány, 2016
  4. Vylyan Csóka, 2014
  5. Csányi Villányi Franc, 2012

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