Super 12 white and red wines


The best Hungarian wines according to wine writers

The Circle of Hungarian Wine Writers was founded in 2016, and it has 26 members. Apart from working on making wine media a better phenomenon, the Circle organizes an annual wine competition. The first contest was held in 2016, results can be found here. In the first part of the procedure the members nominated their most memorable wines tasted in 2017. The resulting list was rather elongated, thus members had to vote for wines (they could not vote for their own nominees). At the end of the voting period the list of the 12 outstanding white and 12 red red wines took shape – the so called Super 12 were selected.

Super 12 White Wines

  • Bencze Családi Birtok Venus 2015, Badacsony
  • Csetvei Pince Kő-Papir-Olló/Kő 2013, Mór
  • Demeter Zoltán Szerelmi Hárslevelű 2015, Tokaj
  • Gizella Pince Szil-völgy Cuvée 2015, Tokaj
  • Györgykovács Imre Nagy-Somlói Furmint 2015, Somló
  • Holdvölgy Vision 2015, Tokaj
  • Kamocsay Ákos Ihlet Cuvée 2015, Neszmély
  • Kolonics Pincészet  Somlói Juhfark 2015, Somló
  • Kovács Nimród Monopole Battonage Chardonnay 2015, Eger
  • Pálffy Pince Káli Királyi Fekete-hegy Olaszrizling 2015, Balaton-felvidék (Upper Balaton)
  • Andrea Mária 2015, Eger
  • Szászi Endre Badacsonyi Rózsakő 2015, Badacsony

Super 12 Red Wines

  • Balla Géza Sziklabor Feketeleányka 2013, Ménes (Transylvania)
  • Eszterbauer Borászat Nagyapám Szekszárdi Kadarka 2016, Szekszárd
  • Günzer Tamás Bocor Grandior Merlot 2012, Villány
  • Heumann Pincészet Terra Tartaro 2012, Villány
  • Ikon Borászat Evangelista Cabernet Franc 2012, South Balaton
  • Koch Csaba Villányi Csanád Cuvée 2012, Villány
  • Kovács Nimród Monopole Soul Syrah 2013, Eger
  • Thummerer Pince Cabernet Sauvignon Superior Selection 2012, Eger
  • Tiffán’s A Régimódi 2015, Villány
  • Sauska Cabernet Franc 2012, Villány
  • Sebestyén Pince Grádus Cuvée 2013, Szekszárd
  • Andrea Merengő Egri Bikavér Grand Superior 2013, Eger

The best of the best ones

These 12 + 12 wines are all exceptional, they are selected by competent wine experts, and the list is a result of a consensus. We warmly recommend any of them.

And after tasting all the wines, the wine writers decided who deserves the so called Great Hungarian Award as well, here they are!

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