Villány RedY survives lockdown!

A wine created especially for HORECA obviously suffered more severely than other brands, but the youngest community brand of Villány is happy to announce vintage 2020!. If you like fruit driven, easy going, spicy and naughty red wines, get ready for RedY.

To enchant the millennials

Youngsters of the Y generation love the experience of discovering new varieties, therefore RedY was created to attract young winelovers to the exciting world of wine. Obviously Villány winemakers invite everyone, not only the millennials to enjoy this affordable (around 5–8 euros in retail) and lovely wine.

RedY code

Portugieser, this local grape is the base of the blend, it has to contain 51–66%, while other local grapes (Blauburger, Kadarka, Kékfrankos and Zweigelt) can contribute with 20–49% and international varietals cannot exceed 14%. A local board evaluates all the submitted samples, and only those that are approved can use the official name and label.


Wine enthusiasts can find RedY from the following producers:

Gere Tamás & Zsolt – heaven under the walnut tree

One of the RedY producers is Zsolt Gere, the son of Tamás Gere. Their RedY reflects Zsolt’s experience and knowledge – Gere RedY is always fresh, fruity, spicy, exciting and invigorating. The blend contains Portugieser 60%, Kékfrankos 30%, Kadarka 10%

They say that if you want to test a Rioja producer, taste their crianza. If it is good, then they are good at grand reserva as well. Something similar applies for RedY: if this “bistro wine” makes you crave for another glass, then the producer is good at making “great wines” as well.

To enjoy Gere RedY at the best place, visit Diófa Panzió (‘Walnut Tree Pansion”, see below), enjoy the shadow of the trees as sipping a glass of youngish, juicy, lovely RedY.

An interview with Zsolt Gere

More about Gere Tamás & Zsolt Winery

More about Diófa Pansion 

Villány Diófa pansion Gere Tamás Zsolt
Diófa Pansion Villány bottle lamps

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