Vote for the best Hungarian wines – until 10 November
Vince Award 2024 in 22 categories
Vince wine magazine has an annual award to acknowledge the best Hungarian wines in 22 different categories. Wine connoisseurs can vote for a few more days – until the 10th of November, and the award ceremony will take place on the 16th of November in Budapest, at Vince Gala, in the Museum of Fine Arts. Some of the nominees are featured in our cover photo – they all deserve to win!
Easy to vote
The list of the nominees were created by the staff and regular tasters of Vince magazin. The voting platform is in Hungarian, but here we are to help you.
– First of all click here.
– Then click the little box at the bottom to accept the terms of use.
– Click ont he box ’SZAVAZOK’ at the bottom (it means ’I VOTE’)
– To go tot he next page click on ’KÖVETKEZŐ’, to go back click on ’ELŐZŐ’.
– At the end you should provide your email address and click on ’ELKÜLDÉS’ (meaning ’SENDING’)
See the translation of each category here:
- Light white wine made of international grape variety
- Light white wine made of an important grape of the Carpathian Basin
- Light white wine made of other grape variety
- Light white blend
- Barrel aged white wine made of international grape variety
- Barrel aged white wine made of an important grape of the Carpathian Basin
- Barrel aged white wine made of other grape variety
- Barrel aged white blend
- Light red wine made of international grape variety
- Light red wine made of a grape of the Carpathian Basin
- Light red wine blend
- Barrel aged red wine made of international grape variety
- Barrel aged red wine made of an important grape of the Carpathian Basin
- Barrel aged red wine made of other grape variety
- Bikavér (Egri Bikavér or Szekszárdi Bikavér)
- Barrel aged red blend
- Rosé, Siller
- Natural wine or sparkling wine
- Charmat method or aerated sparkling wine
- Traditional method sparkling wine
- Late harvest wine
- Tokaji Aszú
More information about the protagonists of our cover photo
Eszterbauer Nagyapám Kadarka, Szekszárd
Etyeki Kúria Pinot Noir 2021, Etyek
Kovács Nimród Battonage Chardonnay 2022, Eger
Pannonhalma Archabbey Prior 2023, Pannonhalma
Steigler Bio Zöldveltelíni 2023, Sopron
Vesztergombi Merlot 2021, Szekszárd
Vylyan Csóka Variáció 2019, Villány