Hungarian wineries at ProWein 2020

The largest trade fair of the world expects 6900 exhibitors in Düsseldorf, Germany on 15–17 March. Climate change will be a top topic in tutored tastings, larger space will be dedicated to the popular „Same but different” section and „crossover projects” will get special attention like cannabis wine, beer wine and wine aged in whisky barrel. Hungary will exhibit on 15 booths, and some booths represent more wineries (for example Villány wine region). Some iconic wineries of Villány will exhibit as well: Bock, Csányi (Teleki), Gere Attila, Gere Tamás & Zsolt, Günzer Tamás, Vylyan. Dúzsi Family Winery from Szekszárd and Koch Winery from Hajós–Baja will also be at the German expo. Tutored tastings of Hungarian wine styles will be organized as well by Hungarian Tourism Agency. 2020 Prowein will also focus on traditionally sweet wine regions making dry wines, including Tokaj. Indeed, Tokaj wineries will never stop making heavenly Tokaji Aszú wines, but dry Tokaj, espcially Furmint is increasingly important. Grant Tokaj will also participate in ProWein, their award winning Tokaji Aszú wines are unmissable, but it is also worth trying the single vineyard Kővágó Furmint. „The refreshing character of the wine is nicely combined with the flavours of Furmint grape, and it is backed by the minerality of Kővágó vineyard in Mád. Due to new oak fermentation and maturation the palate shows some subtle smokiness, the body of Furmint grape along with its vibrant citrus character. Full bodied wine with great length – and some mineral-salty touch in the finish.” (Thanks for the photo for one of the best Hungarian wine blog called Borrajongó.)

More about Grand Tokaj

More about ProWein 2020


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