Superstar bread from Gere Attila Winery

It is always a feast to share a bottle from the Villány icon, Attila Gere. And to share some home made bread with the wine is just magic, mystic, a moment of contemplation. But get back to earth: since many people have started to bake bread during these lockdown weeks, several “best” recipes are circulating. In Hungary we comment ironically: we were a nation of millions of football players (everyone seems to be cleverer in times of lost games), now we are a nation of millions of bakers – everyone seems to have the best method. Not to contest with any of these self appointed bakers, Gere Attila Winery also has a recipe, a bread with their own grape seed extract, created by the chef of Gere’s restaurant, Mandula. “Our chef – Peter Molnár – now shares the recipe of the bread made with grape seed extract. We encourage everybody to try since it is not only tasty and healthy, but for those who has already tasted it in Mandula restaurant, can bring back the well known tastes.” It is a well kept secret – so far. As the Facebook page of the winery says: “if this situation had not happened, our chef would never have told anyone the recope of his bread.”
As for Mandula restaurant and Crocus Hotel (also by Gere), they are still closed, but reopening is expected, because in Hungary restaurants and hotels can funcion fully from Monday (18 May).

Read the recipe

More about Gere Attila Winery

More about Mandula restaurant




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