Hiszünk a szavak erejében!
Ezzel a szlogennel buzdítottuk kreatív borleírásra vendégeinket a Gettogether rendezvényen, a játékban pedig partnerünk volt a Rekontir. A versenyre csak pár tucat borle
8-page article about Hungary in Gilbert & Gaillard magazine
The first ever comprehensive article has been published in Gilbert & Gaillard magazine written by me, Ágnes Németh, owner and editor of Hungarianwines.eu.
Fashion show at Babarczi estate on 17 May
Babarczi Vineyard and Winery offers a unique program on Friday, 17th May: NOS Simple Hungarian designer brand will bring its new limited edition Spring Mood collection, paired with
Babarczi wine dinner & theatre on Women’s Day (8 March)
Celebrate Women's Day with the most proper way: with the beauty, the thoughts and works of women.
1000 wines to taste today in Budapest
Choose to taste from more than 1000 wines from 200 wineries today in Budapest, including Gere Tamás & Zsolt wines from Villány.
Forget the cold, celebrate Vince Day at Babarczi estate!
Sunny smiles and warm welcome is guaranteed on 20 January at Babarczi estate near the gorgeous town of Pannonhalma.
More than 1000 wines at Borjour Magnum in Budapest on 17 February
Borjour Magnum is an ideal event to get a snapshot of Hungarian winemaking with more than 200 wineries in one place.
New release: Babarczi Merlot 2021 from Pannonhalma
The new vintage of the multi-award winner wine is on sale in limited quantity! Babarczi Merlot 2021 is available at the winery and top restaurants.
14 October – an evening with 24 wineries in Mosonmagyaróvár
Babarczi and Pannonhalma Archabbey from Pannonhalma, Steigler from Sopron, Sabar from Badacsony and Holdvölgy from Tokaj will be among the exhibitors.