Gere Attila wines with a brand new look 

Gere Attila wines with a brand new look 

A brand new look is introduced for the Gere wines heralding the next chapter in the winery’s the three decade long history. The name has also changed: the labels will indicate “A. Gere” referring both to the founder Attila Gere and his children Andrea and Attila. Beyond the changes in packaging the product structure has also been updated making it more streamlined. The motivation for the changes at the winery, spanning seven generations, was to create a distinctive image that while retaining the family business character is able to represent the quality of the wines and meet long-term market standards both domestically and internationally.

The Gere Winery has started a new chapter in its three decade history: the image has been thoroughly updated. All elements are affected including labels, wrapping materials and even the name itself. In the future the name you will find on the labels is “A. Gere”.

Gere Solus and Gere Villányi Franc: new vintage, new look


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