Red wine will grow your hair?

Red wine will grow your hair?

Not really, but grape seed oil can effectively help in case of loss of hair. And baldness is not the only problem that polyphenols in blue grape seed and skin can help: they may reduce vascular illnesses and the risk of cancer, diminishes free radicals, reduce high blood pressure and harmful cholesterol levels, protect the heart, diminish symptoms of diabetes, reduce allergy symptoms – just to mention a few. Bock Cellar in Villány has built a blue grape seed plantation and several products are available now – tablets, micro-powder, oil –, which were developed in collaboration of the University of Pécs and Szent István University. „According to research carried out since summer 2016, on average the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of an identical concentration of Bock grape seed and grape skin micro-powder and tablet is one-and-a-half times that of Vitamin C!”

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