A good year for Borbély: becoming daddy and Young Agrarian Man of the Year

Tamás Borbely has had a good year. In December he has been nominated again for the prestigious title Winemaker of the Year (altogether ha has had seven nominations), his first child was born in January (a baby boy, hurrah!), and he was selected Agrarian Man of the Year in „young agriculturist” category at the beginning of February. Plus, still within 12 months he can boast several important acknowledgements for his Badacsony wines.

A good year

Modest, always speaks at low voice, but ambitious and eager to learn more and more – young Tamás Borbély is a well known figure of Hungarian wine life. He has a clear vision of the future of their family winery’s wines: while many estates suffer under the burden of a too wide portfolio, Borbély family could successfully find their priorities: first of all they work with local grapes, only white varieties, and they concentrate on single vineyard Olaszrizling wines as top focus. Some of their recent prizes:

– Olasz rizling Ice Wine 2015 won gold medal at VinAgora international contest.
– Olasz rizling Ice Wine 2015 won gold medal at Aranytőke international Olaszrizling contest and was selected the best sweet wine of the competition.
– Badacsonyi Olasz rizling Late Harvest 2015 received gold medal at Aranytőke international Olaszrizling contest.
–’KARÓS’ Badacsonyi Olasz rizling limited selection 2015 won gold medal at National Wine Contest.
– Two Borbély wines were selected by Winelovers Great Selection TOP 10: Bács hegy Badacsonyi Olasz rizling on the 6th place and Nász a Bácsony Badacsonyi Olasz rizling limited selection 2016 on the 1st place (this latter is a very limited quantity wine, only 400 bottles were made, they are available only at the cellar).

Where to meet Borbély next?

Visitors of Wine Paris in February could have a chance to taste Bács hegy single vineyard Olaszrizling along with Borbély Kéknyelű. In April VinCE Budapest Wine Show is an opportunity where Borbély wines will be poured, and our II. Hungarian Gettogether on 16 August at Csetvei Garden, Mór will be an unmissable occassion to meet the winemaker itself.

And of course the estate itself awaits its visitors with a guest house: in the spring of 2014 a new wine terrace and a wine shop have opened in Badacsony, their Guest House (accommodating up to 10 people) has been renovated and altered to be suitable for winter as well and their tasting roomhas been enlarged to seat groups of up to 60 people all year long. But there is no need to fear of industrial like hospitality: it is still Gabriella Borbély (Tamás’s mom) who prepares home made, delicious dishes for the guests! For a tasting in the spacious tasting room fresh salty bakery, home made cold cut and sausage platter, artisan cheese is offered, and hot meal can also be ordered upon advance request.

More about Borbély Family Winery

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