Amazing selection at the newest and largest wine bar of Budapest

Veritas Winebar, Budapest downtown 

Budapest has become the city of bars, which is blessing and curse at the same time – depending on the audience. Flights are packed with young people longing for an endless party nights, and the mushrooming bars serve all, the party goes on and on. However, in this jungle of bars wine connoisseurs can find their quality places as well (just click on our Wine Bars section). And now this palette of wine bars has a new pearl called Veritas Winebar.

Opening a wine bar – a logical step

Veritas (originally In Vino Veritas, the latin proverb meaning ’In Wine There is Truth’) is one of the largest and most important wine merchant of Hungary. They are quite strong at the gastronomy sector, and there international selection is getting better and better (one of their latest brand is the French Chapoutier). Besides a huge store in an outskirt of Budapest, their downtown shop attracted hundreds of visitors every week – so why not open a place downtown where people can taste as well? The new, two storeyed wine bar is just next to the store – an ideal place and easy to reach with No 4 or No 6 tram, the two main trams operating on the „Körút”, the Grand Avenue of Budapest.

Eclectic and humorous

The interior was designed by Viktor Csap, and the resulting space is full of witty ideas: elegant, but relaxed, classic, but funny, industrial and unique. The place has a capturing atmosphere, it’s good to be there – and even better to stay and order something. The selection is huge: 360 different labels, and 60 of them can be ordered by the glass (this selection is changing regularly). You can take an open bottle with you if you want. The wine bar has a kitchen as well, Attila Jakab and Dániel Tőkés chefs focus on regional products and local taste with classic dishes like duck liver, wiener snitzel, mangalitza ham. Vegan and vegetarian dishes are available.

Champion sommelier and wine dinners

Veritas Winebar aims to be the centre of wine life, thus a regular sommelier, Alíz Németh is always there to recommend wines, and three-time Hungarian sommelier champion Mátyás Szik is also team member as a consultant sommelier. Regular wine dinners are organized to show the best of the wine bar as well, the first will take place on 24 October, where the chefs will prove their talent with a five cours menu. On 25 October a Vylyan wine dinner will amuse participants celebrated the winemaker himself: István Ipacs Szabó.

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