Beetroot dip and other video recipes with grape seed products

Bock Winery in Villány has been manufacturing grape seed products for many years, and they constantly do researches with the University of Pécs. We can go back to the Bible to read of the beneficial effects of grapes and wine, but the blue grape seed kernel conceals an even greater treasure. Its polyphenol content is among the highest in nature, and it also contains traces of rich essential fatty acids and numerous minerals. Recently they have created several mouth-watering healthy meals with the cooperation of renowned Hungarian gastro-bloggers. Adrienn Marton makes a dip from baked beetroot, yoghurt, walnut, dill, sour cream, red wine vinegar, caraway seed, salt & pepper and grape seed oil. Enjoy and have a happy Easter holiday!

More about Bock grape seed products and webshop

Baked beetroot with Bock grape Seed Oil

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