Budapest, a city of wine bars on 6 July and always…
Date: 6 July, 2017
Location: More than 25 wine bars around the centre of Budapest, Hungary
Type of event: informal wine tasting in wine bars with the winemakers
The first Wine Bar Tour was organized last summer, and it proved to be a big success, thus this summer the wine bars of Budapest await visitors again with a wine region or wine association in each participating wine bar. More than 25 wine bars joined the project, Judy’s Wine Bar for example will host Villány wine region, while Cultivini Wine Gallery will host the barely known Bükk wine region.
The event is free, visitors pay their consumption in the wine bars. The aim of the Wine Bar Tour is to show the thousand faces of Budapest with its creative design wine bars, and at the same timet o show the thousand faces of Hungarian wines with the help of the producers themselves.
Ruined bars are still thriving
Budapest has become the destination city of party goers, and probably the unique ruined bars are behind the phenomenon. These are huge, old block of flats in the centre of the city converted into large bars with several halls, usually with different music and different sortiment of drinks in each hall. The enterior is often reminiscent of the Communist era with photos, retro chairs etc. The wine list of these bars are different, usually not too sophisticated, but most of them offer some descent, easy-to-understand wines. Upon the success of the ruined bars several new bars opened, the common feature is the creative design. These newer institutions are usually more elaborated, most provide bistro food, and they have a focus on something, Hungarian wines, artisan wines, craft beers, rums etc.
You can find some recommended wine bars here:
Wine Bar Tour locations on 6 July and their hosted wine region or wine association
0,75 bistro ⇒ Szent István tér 6., Budapest 1051
Balatoni KÖR – Circle of Balaton (an association to group the 5 smaller wine regions of Balaton)
Addicted2Caffeine & Figula Borsarok ⇒ Bartók Béla út 62–64. Budapest 1114
Balatonfüredi–Csopak wine region
Bordó Bisztró ⇒ Nagymező utca 3. Budapest 1065
Szekszárdi Borvidék – Szekszárd wine region
Buddha-Bar Budapest Pop Up Champagne Bar ⇒ Váci utca 34 Budapest 1052
Hungarian sparkling wines
Carpe Diem Borbár ⇒ Zoltán u 9., Budapest 1054
Winemakers from Lake Velencei
Cultivini Wine Gallery ⇒ Párizsi u. 4 Budapest 1052
Bükk wine region
Csendes Társ ⇒ Magyar u. 18. Budapest 1053
Eger wine region
DiVino Bazilika ⇒ Szent István tér 3. Budapest 1051
Junibor (Association of Young Winemakers)
DiVino Gozsdu ⇒ Király utca 13 Budapest 1075
Csopaki Kódex (Wine Regulatory System of Csopak)
Doblo Wine & Bar ⇒ Dob utca 20 Budapest 1072
Somló wine region
DROP SHOP – Borbár / Wine Bar ⇒ Balassi Bálint utca 27. Budapest 1055
Magna Mátra Történelmi Borvidékért Egyesület (An Association for Historic Mátra wine region)
EdVino borbár és bisztró ⇒ Budapest, Csemete u. 1, 1036 (Kolosy tér)
Neszmélyi Borút Egyesület (Neszmély Wine Route Association)
Galéria12 kávézó ⇒ Hajnóczy József utca 21 Budapest 1122
Wineries from Szent György-hegy (Badacsony) and South Balaton wine region
Judy’s Wine Bar ⇒ Károlyi utca 11. Budapest 1053
Villányi borvidék – Villány wine region with Villányi Franc
Kadarka Bár ⇒ Király utca 42 Budapest 1068
Winemakers from Mád (Tokaj wine region)
Kadarka Bárka ⇒ Margitszigeti Atlétika Centrum mellett Budapest 1007
Kunság wine region
Képzeld el Borbár ⇒ Wesselényi utca 23 Budapest 1077
Tokaji Borászok Asztaltársasága (Group of Tokaj Winemakers)
Lumen Kávézó ⇒ Mikszáth Kálmán tér 2-3. Budapest 1088
Pécs wine region
MOST Kortárs Bisztró ⇒ Zichy Jenő utca 17. 1066
Rizling Generáció (Riesling Generation – an association from Balaton promoting Olaszrizling)
Oinos WineBar&Bistrot ⇒ Rákoczi tér 7 Budapest 1084
Pannonhalma wine region
Palack ⇒ Szent Gellért tér 3. Budapest 1114
Etyek 360 association
Pohárszék Bor & Kávé ⇒ Aulich utca 7. Budapest 1054
Winemakers from Tállya (Tokaj wine region)
Sarki Fűszeres ⇒ Pozsonyi út 53-55. Budapest 1137
Terra Hungarica (an association promoting wines made in the most natural way)
Stelázsi Kávézó, Étterem és Borbár ⇒ Nagyszombat utca 3. Budapest 1036
Natural wines
VinoPiano-Borbár/Wine Bar ⇒ Tűzoltó utca 22 Budapest 1092
Tokaj Generation Y (the youngest generation of Tokaj winemakers)
vinoWonka Csokoládé és Borbár ⇒ Corvin Sétány 2 Budapest 1082
Winemakers from Tarcal (Tokaj wine region)
Wine Market Bistro & Shop ⇒ Lövőház utca 16/b Budapest 1024
Sopron wine region
Winestage Borbisztró ⇒ Síp utca 5. Budapest 1075
Tolna wine region
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