Zsuzsa Babarczi winemaker Pannonhalma, Hungary

Forget the cold, celebrate Vince Day at Babarczi estate!

Sunny smiles and warm welcome is guaranteed on 20 January at Babarczi estate near the gorgeous town of Pannonhalma. On that Saturday, in Hungary we celebrate St Vincent, the patron of the vineyards, and certainly there are serious tastings all over the country. Pannonhalma is one of the most exciting wine regions, a must-discover-before-the-others place, so here is a great opportunity to do so.

Date and time: 20 January 2024, at four times during the day:
Place: Babarczi Winery and Vineyard, Óvoda street 3, Győrújbarát, Hungary
By car: 1 hour and 15 minutes, by public transport: 2 hours
Price: 5500 HUF / 14.5 EUR
The price includes the guided visit, the tasting of 5 wines and some bread with crackling spread or lard. In Hungary drivers are not allowed to drink even a drop of wine, therefore the winery offers them to take a bottle home (the price of the visit is the same for drivers as well).
Registration is needed: ertekesites@babarczipince.hu
Please, inform the winery about
– which time slot you wish to visit,
– with how many people,
– and mention if there is a driver.

Insider tip:

There is a bus service from the city of Győr dedicated to Vince Day visitors, it costs 3000 HUF and it runs in every two hours, therefore passengers can visit several wineries easily and at the end they can stay in the city of Győr, where there are plenty of things to see and there are quite a lot of hotels.

The information is in Hungarian, but google can help. Find more here.

More about the sights and hotels of Győr

Our earlier article about Babarczi Merlot

New release: Babarczi Merlot 2021 from Pannonhalma


Babarczi Winery tasting in Pannonhalma, Hungary
Happy guests tasting last year on Vince day at Babarczi estate

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