
Malatinszky, a winemaker who cooks well

vinbistro_2A dog resembles its owner, especially if they have lived together for a long time. It’s the same with wines: they reflect the winemakers personality, even more if the winemaker himself pays attention to every single detail from the vineyard till bottling. Csaba Malatinszky is „the embodiment of elegance”. A pleasant person to have conversation with – and even a great cook!

Johan Franco Cereceda Swedish wine writer visited Malatinszky’s estate recently, and the article appeared on vinguiden.com, which is a large webshop in Sweden with a good selection of Hungarian wines. He writes about Malatinszky Cabernet Franc 2009: “…is magnificent in its fruit, its grassy tone, yet having great maturity giving it a complex character. After that I taste, while Csaba Malatinszky is standing in the kitchen and cooking our lunch, more wines in different classes to complete the tasting of the red wines with an absolutely brilliant Cabernet Franc from 2008.”

You can find the article about Csaba Malatinszky translated into English here

And if you speak Sweedish, you can find information about the winewriter’s visit to Etyeki Kúria, a wonderful winery in Etyek, and Gere Winery, an iconic producer in Villány:


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