Frittmann Cabernet Franc Hungary

New Frittmann labels inspired by drone photos

“The endless rows of vines of vast Kunság wine region” – the new labels of Frittmann Winery feature a simplified image of the vineyards of the largest wine region of Hungary. The most popular wines of the estate are available now with more up-to-date, clear labels, which are easy to differentiate.

Frittmann is a family winery founded by two brothers, they were the ones who proved that the ill-famedregion is capable of quality wines in good hands. Kunság had a reputation of fake or diluted wines, however the devoted Frittmanns fought adamantly against the common belief and now their sons follow the work and continue with their fresh ideas and strong presence in the social media. János Frittmann was awarded Winemaker of the Year in 2007 and in 2015 the winery was chosen Winery of the Year. Besides the owners, the two brothers, the wives also participate in the management, they run the guest house and the catering of the estate. Both couples have a son, who are deeply involved in the life of the estate.

Frittmann wines are available in several countries, for example in the United Kingdom (MALUX) and in Poland (2Bratanki).
If you can’t  find an importer near your home, order Frittmann wines from Winelovers Webshop. They ship to every European country. Check shipment rates here.

Interview with Tamás Frittmann

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More about Frittmann Winery

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