A gold mine of Balaton wine reviews
Oliver Coleman, wine writer of JancisRobinson.com has recently visited Hungary, and he did his lesson, there is no doubt about it.
Villa Sandahl 20th birthday party on 7 September in Badacsony
The boutique winery has a guest house as well with stunning view of Lake Balaton. The September event will take place in one of their most beautiful vineyards.
GROW is Growing!
Balaton wine region hosts GROW du Monde, the premier international event focused solely on Olaszrizling – by Dr. Elizabeth Smith, Contributing Reporter
Rosalia Wine Picnic in Budapest on 31 May – 2 June
Around 60 wineries pour rosé wines and bubblies in the sunny City Park for 3 days. The entrance is free including live music programmes, only an official Rosalia glass is needed t
Starling Village by Villa Sandahl in Badacsony
The star of our cover photo is called Starling Village, named after the hungry thieves of the vineyards.
Hungary is as interesting as California!
Hungary is as interesting as California according to The Wine Merchant survey carried on with 217 independent merchants.
Layered potato with Borbély Bács Olaszrizling
Borbély Bács-Hegy Olasz rizling 2021 has just received 4 stars at Vince magazine – meaning 'outstanding wine'.
Heumann–Palkó 10-sample wine tasting in Budapest on 14 March
Zengő bar will host a tutored tasting of a flight of 10 wines from each winery, from Zsolt Palkó (Badacsony) and Heumann Winery (Villány).
GROW du Monde in May at Lake Balaton, Hungary
Graševina, Olaszrizling or Welshriesling – they all mean the same grape variety, hence the abbreviation of GROW, a Central European initiative to put the variety in the limeligh