Type of the wine: White, dry
Grape variety: Cserszegi Fűszeres 100%
Acidity / alcohol content: N/A g/l 12,5%
Terroir, vineyard:  Hajós-Bajai wine region
Training system:  ‘Happy grape’ (SEE AT KOCH WINERY)
Harvest: Hand harvested
Technology:  Reductive vinification
Quality level:  KOCH ‘Prémium’
Temperature:  10 – 12 °C
Food pairing:  Fish dishes, chicken and turkey, light pastas, salads
Available quantity:  4.800 Bottles
Retail price:  850 HUF / 2-3 EUROS


Yellow with greenish tones. Gooseberry and elderberry on the nose with ‘the promise of full bodied wine (just as charming as that of a beautiful woman). On the palate its acidity is like a melody. Complex wine in which the variety and the technology encounters and results in preserved primary aromas and flavours, still it is not the usual perfume like wine, not simple and flat, but attractive, healthy, full of life and power.

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