Hold and Hollo Sweet 2017

Type of the wine: White, sweet
Grape variety: Furmint, Hárslevelű
Alcohol content: 13%
Acidity: 6.8 g/l
Residual sugar: 62.7 g/l
Terroir, vineyard: Holdvölgy, Nyulászó
Harvest: October 2017
Technology: Direct pressing, fermentation in stainless steel, ageing in stainless steel. Bottling in July 2018.
Recommended serving temperature:  11–12 °C
Informative retail price: 20 euros


On the nose a hint of honey – proper to sweet wines of Tokaj – surrounded by peach, clove and orange notes. The sip is full of fruits like peach, Williams pear and citrus that are accompanied by oriental spices. A stylish and charming wine with the promise of a new adventure in each sip.

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