Holdvölgy Exaltation 2016

Type of the wine: White, sweet
Grape variety: 100% Sárgamuskotály (Muscat à petit grains)
Alcohol content: 12%
Acidity: 6.5 g/l
Residual sugar: 77.2 g/l
Terroir, vineyard: 100% Nyulászó (1st class, historically classified cru)
Harvest: October 2016
Vintage: After a quiet winter period, a dry and warm spring and rainy days arriving in the middle of the summer we knew that 2016 will be a vintage full of challenges. Harvest started on August 1st, in a parcel of Holdvölgy Cru. The rainy season continued in October, but thanks to the precise year-round viticultural work, we were able to harvest high quality and quantity of bunches both for dry and sweet wines even in this difficult vintage.
Technology: Pressing after 5 hours of maceration, fermentation in stainless steel, ageing in barrel for 6 months
Temperature: 11–12 °C
Produced quantity: 4792 bottles
Informative retail price: 24 euros


Clear, tight late harvest wine, vibrant imprint of this international grape variety and Grand Cru Nyulászó vineyard from a cooler vintage. The spicy and rich nose is characterized by delicate notes of honey, lemongrass, rose and mango. On the palate we have peaches,
lychee, lime and pear. The precise acid-sugar balance reveals the irresistible character of the wine. Elegant and seductive.

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Made with love by Nemos Creative Ltd.