Holdvölgy Signature 2007

Type of the wine: White, sweet
Grape variety: Furmint, Hárslevelű, Zéta
Alcohol content: 13%
Acidity: 7.1 g/l
Residual sugar: 125 g/l
Harvest: From end of September to mid November, 2007
Vintage: Early, warm and dry vintage with some heatwave. The botrytisation exploded thank to the early September rains that gave these mature bunches very rich aszú berries.
Technology: Pressing after 12 to 36 hours of maceration, fermentation in barrel, ageing in barrel for 18 months. A blend of Aszú, sweet Szamorodni and Essencia lots.
Temperature:  11–12 °C
Produced quantity: 8730 bottles of 37,5 cl / 8665 bottles of 50 cl

Informative retail price: 39 euros

– Pannon Bormustra, 2012 – Wine Excellence /
– Women’s Wine & Spirits Awards, 2019 – Gold medal


The Holdvölgy’s liquid signature. Its elaboration can be compared to a free style exercise of figure skating. The target: choosing from the historical Tokaj wine-making techniques (Fordítás, Máslás, Szamorodni, Aszú, Essencia) and preparing the most beautiful wine of the vintage, according to Holdvölgy style. Reaching the most dynamic structure possible, with the complexity of an Aszú 5 puttonyos. Fresh and rich Botrytis aromas, lush flavours of honey flowing in it, an excellent sugar-acidity balance, youthful freshness and unforgettable richness of flavours. Its high sugar content accompanied by such acidity is only able to offer so many fruits and aftertaste. It has decades to live!

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