Recent successes of Etyeki Kúria in the US
Etyeki Kúria winery of Etyek wine region boasts some recent great wine ratings in the United States. On three wines of them are reviewed, all with high scores. The estate also collected 2 silver medals at USA Wine Ratings, a competition with HORECA experts in the jury.
Pinot Noir 2017 – “nicely done”!
This wine was aged in French and Hungarian new oak barrels for 10 months. It is interesting to see that both Robert Parker team and USA Wine Ratings gave exactly the same score: 87 (which means silver at USA Wine Ratings). The Hungarian Pinot was evaluated by Mark Squires wine expert of Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate team, since he is specialized in the wines of Eastern Europe. He found the Pinot Noir nicely down and he emphasized its great price value ratio.
Kékfrankos 2016 – “a pleasure to drink”
Etyeki Kúria – as its name suggest – is situated in Etyek wine region, but it also owns vineyards in Sopron wine region. Kékfrankos (Blaufrankisch) is the most important black grape of the region (and of Hungary), and this bottle by Etyeki Kúria has already collected several accolades. Mark Squires also gave high score: 89! He praised the soft tannins, the nice texture, the “plum-like nuances”, the flavorful finish.
Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc – “a lot of fun”
This Asti-like method sparkling wine is a new venture of the estate. Sándor Mérész head winemaker is a great fan of the variety, and the method was adjusted to the grape. Mark Squires comments that the wine “gently preserves the character of the grape”. He discovered some sweetness in the wine, but overall he believes that it is a “tasty sparkler and a lot of fun”. Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc also won a silver medal at US Wine Ratings.
Citadella Imports – wines with stories
Etyeki Kúria wines were entered USA Wine Ratings and were sent to Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate team by Citadella Imports, a fairly new company offering carefully selected Hungarian wines from Etyeki Kúria and a handful other wineries. As Alexandra Damanis, founder and CEO says, “we pride ourself in offering a truly unique experience through our portfolio selections. Our selections have been made with the US palate in mind“.