
Running around Badacsony – charity run

12 kilometres around „the late” volcano

Do you happen to stay in Hungary, what’s more you are looking for a program for tomorrow? Participate in the charity run organized by Laposa Wine Estate. The 12 kilometre run can be completed alone or in a team. The money from the nominations go to a local folk dance group and two associations that help disabled youngsters. Last year, in the first Laposa run the money went to help a local kindergarten and an orphanage. The run starts at 10 am in front of Hableány restaurant, and goes around Badacsony mountains. Singular nomination on the spot: 6000 HUF (20 euros). We suggest to arrive earlier to find a parking place and to arrange nomination.

Afterparty with breathtaking view

If you completed the run you deserve it, if you did not, you might get the feeling and try it next year – one thing is sure: you will fall in love with Balaton at frissTerasz (literally „Fresh Terrace”) on Badacsony mountain on Kisfaludy road, probably the most spectacular road that runs up the top of the mountain. Enjoy the fresh Laposa wines and the amazing view, relax and have fun!

The day after – Szászi and Sabar

After the afterparty you must not drive, you’d better stay at lake Balaton. Szászi Winery is a wonderful organic winery on the neighbouring volcanic mountain, Szent György mountain. The winery has a restaurant with delicious dishes made of local ingredients, and the view is again unforgettable. Try their indigenous, flowery, unique Kéknyelű! Vulcanus, Rózsakő, Zeusz – more indigenous grapes from which Szászi makes the exemplary wines.

Sabar is a smaller hill among the volcanic witness mountains of Balaton Upland – as they say: a little hill with great experiences. The winery makes clean, great single vineyard wines of Olaszrizling and Rhine Riesling and they also have a Kéknyelű and a Kékfrankos rosé. The cellar is a place of quitness, wonderful to relax. The cellar is open every day, except for Sunday, however on Sunday you can find Sabar wines in the local market called Liliomkert (Lily garden). The market is heaven for bargain seekers with antique furniture, local cheese, ham, fruit, vegetables, wines and many other things.

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