The largest-scale Somló Juhfark (’Sheep’s Tail’) tasting

This Saturday, on the 12th October wine connoisseurs will have a chance to taste the best Juhfark wines at one place, at Tornai Winery on Somló mountain. A local committee pre-selected the wines, so that only the best quality wines of the white indigenous variety will be displayed. „Juhfark is the variety of Somló, it’s special, volcanic terroir can be tasted best in the wines made from Juhfark – wines that are unique all over the world and cannot be reproduced anywhere else. This year, the selection will be diverse again: from the fresh, fruity to the full-bodied, matured wines made in varied styles can be tasted from the 2015-16-17 vintages and also 2018 samples.” Tasting is complemented by masterclasses, cellar and vineyard tour. Somló Juhfark versus Great Volcanic Wines of the World promises to be a highly exciting tasting with Attila Fiáth DipWSET expert. The owner of the host winery, Tamás Tornai will present a vertical tasting of Tornai Juhfark wines, including the IWC award winning wines. The host winery gives home to a wine museum as well, which can be visited free of charge during the event.

More information and tickets


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