Villány regional wine contest – the results

International wine contests are of most importance, but so do the regional ones, because these tournaments show the best examples of a region. Since wines against each other are from more or less the same grapes, the same terroir and made according to the same traditions, the level of care counts, the level of preciseness, and maybe something else, creativity, artistic attitude – something that makes difference between sob stuff and a piece of art.

The 49th issue of the contest, 296 entries

Villány, the most well known red wine region of Hungary has its own wine contest every year, and as it is organised professionally and the judges are selected carefully, it is an important guide for both professions and the wine loving public.

Villányi Cabernet Sauvignon Prémium 2012

Villányi Cabernet Sauvignon Prémium 2012

This year 296 wines were entered, out of which

  • 11 wines were awarded great gold,
  • 62 gold medals,
  • 178 silver medals
  • 35 bronze medals.

The most important awards

  • CHAMPION: Ördögárok Merlot 2012, Günzer Tamás Winery (great gold)
  • Best Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon Prémium 2012, Koch Winery (great gold)
  • Best Villányi Franc: Villányi Franc Super Prémium 2015, Koch Winery (great gold)
  • Best Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc 2012, Sauska Winery (great gold)
  • Special Award by the Wine Region Committee: Portugieser 2015, Müller János (great gold)
  • Best Cuvée: Cuvée 7 Villány 2012, Sauska Winery (great gold)
  • Best White Wine: Hárslevelű 2014, Kovács Winery (great gold)
  • Best Kékfrankos: Kékfrankos 2015, Tamás Riczu (gold)
  • Best Rosé: Csicsergő 2016, Bánfalvi Wine Cellar (gold)

The main sponsor of the wine contest, Hungarokork Amorim Zrt. Offered 2 extra prizes:

  • Ördögárok Merlot 2012, Tamás Günzer Winery
  • Ikrek Cuvée 2013, Gábor Szende

The whole list of result is available here


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