Who will be the winner?

The second round of the 3rd Hungarian WebWineWriting is going to end tomorrow at midnight. The jury members have already selected the 18 finalists (out of 61 articles). Now it is the readers’ turn to pick the best and most engaging articles to choose the 6 winners.
Paul Caputo is leading the Winery Architecture category, Sebastian Giraldo seems to be the first in Tokaj category, whereas in Cabernet Franc category the American Philip Kampe’s personal story is leading the field. But a lot can happen in the last 24 hours, votes can still shower to any of the finalists.

In the Hungarian categories Márk Vargha (Borsmenta) is leading the Tokaj category, Tamás Jakab (Pécsi Borozó) is the first in the Cabernet Franc category, and Hanna Szegő, (Luxury magazine) the only lady in leading position is on the front of Winery Architecture category.
Read the articles and vote for your favourite! (For English articles scroll down),

Collecting votes is exciting, but there are two special prizes as well, and these acknowledgements do not depend on votes.

This year, the “Personally” special award will be given to the author submitting an article in the most original and exciting way about a Hungarian wine trip where, in addition to the wine and gastronomy, other tourist attractions and related experiences also appear. The motto of the writing is “Personal experience”. Articles submitted in any of the three categories are in contest for the Personally special award. The winner of the award will receive a wine selection of 3 bottles.

Sánta Zoltán Emlékdíj (‘Zoltán Sánta Memorial Award’) will be given to someone, whose recent entry is outstanding and whose whole career achievement is exemplary.
The awards will be handled to the winners on 16 August at Hungarian Gettogether.

More about Hungarian Gettogether

Photo:  Bui Luan 

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