Young folks & great HUN wines at Wine Paris

The 2nd grandiose Wine Paris opens on Monday, and Hungarian wines will be there to carry new message: our wines are not only good, but – thanks to young folks, who do not only follow traditions but innovate at the same time – these are wines with personality. Tállya, Mád, Etyek, Badacsony – small communes with wines not to miss.

Wine Mosaic – community of missionaries

A few years ago rare varieties were not as fashionable as they are today, that is why Wine Mosaic was created: to protect diversity and display unknown treasures of the world. Wine Mosaic is an important meeting point of Wine Paris, so if you are looking for something old, but new, come to Wine Mosaic 4E001! At, within Wine Mosaic you will find Furmint, Hárslevelű, Zenit, Olaszrizling, Kéknyelű, Kékfrankos – varieties with great potential, but in case of some of them with less fame. On Monday at 13.45 do not miss our Talk & Taste session with Anikó Kada from TR Winery and Dorka Homoky from Homoky Winery. The two young ladies are all from the tiny village of Tállya, Tokaj wine region, and their zest is all there in the wines along with the beauty coming from the exceptional terroir.

Discover the undiscovered

Szamorodni is a traditional style of Tokaj, still much less known than Tokaji Aszú. Many believe that Szamorodni can be the answer to several problems: it is more approachable than Tokaji Aszú with much more moderate price. For those, who are looking for a unique dessert wine with history yet at good price, Szamorodni is the solution. Barta Cellar from Mád makes superelegant and complex wines, you can find many articles praising them, and again, there is a young lady who plays an important role in the success story: Vivien Újvári, a young and highly talented winemaker. Kata Zsirai from Zsirai Winery inherited the family estate with her sister, much earlier than she had expected, but the girls managed to turn the winery into another success story. Zsirai Szamorodni is another evidence behind the argument above, but their single vineyard Középhegy Furmint is also a great example of the variety. Tamás Borbély is again a young winemaker with ambition and experience, his wines made with careful selection are definitely more than worth tasting. Have you ever tasted Furmint wine NOT from Tokaj? Well, Tamás Borbély makes one in Badacsony wine region. But also taste his single vineyard Olaszrizling, and the rare, adorable Kéknyelű, a grape that exists only on the volcanic Badacsony mountain. And the list of young talents goes on: Sándor Mérész, head winemaker of Etyeki Kúria in cooler climate Etyek, just near the capital of Hungary is eager to use his expertise for experimentation. Mérész Sándor Projekt is a collection of exciting wines including Zenit, a wine made of autochthonous Zenit variety aged for four months on the lees. Also taste one of the best Kékfrankos wines of Hungary from Etyeki Kúria, for which the grape comes from the Sopron vineyards of the estate. The wines will be available at booth within Wine Mosaic, but you can also taste them on Wednesday in Taste & Talk session at 14.45.

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