Zsirai sisters tokaj

5 places to meet the divine Zsirai wines

This summer goes well for Zsirai sisters – UK wine media loves them, regulars are happy to be able to meet them again after lockdown in Mád (Tokaj) and if you are a Belgian, you can enjoy a special offer of Zsirai wines.

Cover photo: Gábor Nagy (gaborfoto.com)

1. Meet Zsirai sisters in UK wine media

Recently there have been at least three articles published featuring Kata and Petra Zsirai, the young and brave sisters who took over managing the estate after their father’s sudden death. ‘Every vintage is different, every vineyard has special characteristics and this, along with our local grape varieties, allows us space to make wines with a hint of creativity.’ – explains Kata Zsirai in a Decanter article posted three days ago.

I believe in the grape and I think its future should be supporting Furmint, not competing with it. It can be a new style for Tokaj and can show the importance of terroir too she says in another article on The Buyer written by Caroline Gilby MW about Hárslevelű grape, which the Zsirais own 30 hectares, and which might be the “next thing” after Furmint.

The Zsirai sisters have an estate in the small, volcanic Somló wine region in the west part of Hungary. Again Caroline Gilby introduced the most important Hungarian grape varieties including Olaszrizling, the most planted white variety, recommending Zsirai Olaszrizling from Somló, as one of the best examples of the variety – also on Decanter.com. Winemakers love its ability to express its place – look out for single-vineyard bottlings to explore this facet. Apple, lemon and lime, and a touch of almond when young, transform into beeswax, honey and peach or even exotic fruit with maturity.– Caroline Gilby writes about the variety.

2. Meet Zsirai wines in the UK by Jascots

Jascots is the importer of Zsirai wines in the United Kingdom, often offering special price wines, packages, and so on. At the moment British wine lovers can taste 3 wines from Zsirai, a Furmint from Mád (Tokaj), a Hárslevelű also from Mád (you can decide if Hárslevelű is really “the next thing” and the above mentioned Olaszrizling from Somló. Two different wine regions, but both great, both with volcanic soil. A great playground!

Find Zsirai wines at Jascots

3. Meet Zsirai wines in Belgium

Qwine is an importer in Belgium devoted to quality Hungarian wines. The selection is gorgeous, and Zsirai is included. At the moment you can order 5 bottles of Zsirai wines and a 6th bottle is gratis! The 6 bottle pack costs only 64,30 euros.

See the special offer at Qwine

4. Meet Zsirai wines and Zsirai sisters at the 4th Hungarian Gettogether

Zsirai Winery is a regular exhibitor of the annual relaxed summer tasting, thus they cannot miss this year either. This year Villány wine region will host it at the stunning Castle of Siklós. The walk around tasting with the selected wineries is free of charge for the guests. Street food of outstanding quality will be available from the two Trip Advisor’s top Villány wine hotel, from the chefs of Gere Attila Mandula and Bock Óbor restaurants. The event takes place on 19 August, foreign wine professionals are welcome, but registration is necessary. It will be the world’s most pleasant battle which has ever happened to a medieval castle.

More about Hungarian Gettogether

If you are interested, let us know.

5. And the best: meet Zsirai sisters at their headquarters!

Zsirai Winery has a guest house with a few rooms – ideal if you do not want to drive after the tasting. The rustic tasting room has a unique atmosphere, and the team explains the differences between the different vineyards in a great way – afterwards you will taste the differences in the wines for sure, the “eureka feeling” is guaranteed.

More about winery visits at Zsirai Winery

Zsirai guest House Tokaj Mád

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