7th November: Hungarian wines & food in Berlin

The Hungarian Embassy will hold a food and wine tasting for the 9th time in Berlin. Outstanding wines and food products will be presented for the German restaurateurs, wine professionals, but foodies and winelovers are also welcome. The all day event is free of charge, but registration is needed.

BorStore: little Hungary in Berlin

The aim of the event is to introduce Hungarian wines through the products of smaller and larger wineries as well. BorStore (’Winestore’), a Berliner shop specialized in Hungarian wines is the main consultant to organize the event. BorStore has a fairly wide selection of Hungarian wines, it is more than worth clicking on the webshop! You will find beauties like Kreinbacher sparkling wine from Somló, Dúzsi Kékfrankos Rosé from Szekszárd or the super elegant Pinot Noir from Etyeki Kúria, Etyek wine region.

Check out the full sortiment of BorStore

Taschner – from ’sekt’ to red wine

Kurt Taschner is the owner of the family winery, an ambitious and hard working young man with clear visions. He cherishes local varieties like Kékfrankos, works with really rare varieties like Korai Piros Veltelini (Frühroter Veltliner), and he admits the potential of the great international varieties like Chardonnay, and he makes amazing méthode traditionelle sparkling wines. Zenit is also an indigenous variety, and his Soproni Zenit is a wonderful example of the variety: „This straw yellow coloured wine is full of aromas and flavours that remind us of white flesh peach, honeydew melon, grapefruit and mango. The fresh, fruity associations are accompanied by low alcohol and pleasant, zesty acidity. This cheerful white wine is ideal with a delicious chicken salad or just by itself for a summer afternoon on the terrace.”

More about Taschner and his wines

Barta – wines from the vineyard of the kings

Tokaj wine is said to be – after Louis XIV, the Sun King – the king of wines, wine of kings. Károly Barta, owner of Barta Winery went further: he bought and renovated ’Old King Vineyard’ (’Öreg Király’), one of the most precious vineyards in the commune of Mád, and his unparallel wines come from these breathtaking plots. His dry Furmint wines received the best reviews from acclaimed experts like Tamlyn Currin (jancisrobinson.com). “The Öreg Király 2017 Furmint is excellent: full bodied, supple, and fairly rich in flavor, with good balance, and a long finish, tasting of pear, toast, apple, vanilla, oak, and lime. A complex wine that will develop with further aging.” Ronn Wiegand MW, MS

More about Barta Winery and wines

Mangalitza – a unique breed of pigs

Some decades ago mangalitza (sus scrofa domesticus) almost extincted, but thanks to Spanish ham makers, who discovered its quality, mangalitza breeding came to a revival. Its meat tastes better than other pigs’ meat, thus mangalitza is really sought after in Spain, America and Japan. However it costs more, because the animal grows slower than the white pigs. It is also said to be healthier – or rather less unhealthy – than white pigs, because its flesh contains more unsaturated fatty acids.

Hungarian wine and food tasting in Berlin

7 November, 10.00–22.00
Arminiusmarkthalle, Arminiusstraße 2-4, 10551 Berlin, Germany


More information about the exhibitors

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